How to get Time from Getdate()

  • I am trying to get the time value in a 'hh:mm:ss am/pm' format from the getdate() function, can anyone please tell me how to achieve that? Many thanks!

  • Select Convert(Varchar(8), GetDate(), 8)

    Once you understand the BITs, all the pieces come together

  • Thanks Thomas for the reply, the below statement outputs the time in 24h, but I needed it to display in hh:mm:ss AM/PM format.


    Select Convert(Varchar(8), GetDate(), 8)


  • Select SubString(Convert(Varchar(25), GetDate(), 9), 13, 8) + Right(Convert(Varchar(25), GetDate(), 9), 1) + 'M'

    Once you understand the BITs, all the pieces come together

  • SELECT RIGHT(STUFF(CONVERT(char(26),GETDATE(),9),21,4,' '),10)



  • How about something like:

    print Convert( Char(30), GetDate(), 108)

    print Convert( Char(30), GetDate(), 109)

    See BOL for a complete list with format numbers

  • Johnathan's method works very well, but a slight amendment is required otherwise it cuts the first character off the front. The command should read :

    SELECT RIGHT(STUFF(CONVERT(char(26),GETDATE(),9),21,4,' '),11)

    Thanks Jonathan. That's a concise answer to a frequent problem.

  • I have a need to use many date formats. The following SP lists the conversion codes and the length of the output.

    CREATE procedure pDisplayDateConversionStyles as

    print 'datetime to Varchar conversion codes'

    print 'syntax: convert(varchar(length),getdate(),code)'

    print ''

    declare @i tinyint

    declare @Now datetime

    set @Now = getdate()

    set @i = 0

    while @i < 15


    print 'Length: ' + cast(len(convert(varchar(35),@Now,@i)) as varchar(3)) + ' Conversion code: ' + str(@i,3,0) + ' Returns: ' + convert(varchar(35),@Now,@i)

    set @i = @i + 1


    print 'Length: ' + cast(len(convert(varchar(35),@Now,20)) as varchar(3)) + ' Conversion code: ' + str(20,3,0) + ' Returns: ' + convert(varchar(35),@Now,20)

    print 'Length: ' + cast(len(convert(varchar(35),@Now,21)) as varchar(3)) + ' Conversion code: ' + str(21,3,0) + ' Returns: ' + convert(varchar(35),@Now,21)

    set @i = 100

    while @i < 115


    print 'Length: ' + cast(len(convert(varchar(35),@Now,@i)) as varchar(3)) + ' Conversion code: ' + str(@i,3,0) + ' Returns: ' + convert(varchar(35),@Now,@i)

    set @i = @i + 1


    print 'Length: ' + cast(len(convert(varchar(35),@Now,120)) as varchar(3)) + ' Conversion code: ' + str(120,3,0) + ' Returns: ' + convert(varchar(35),@Now,120)

    print 'Length: ' + cast(len(convert(varchar(35),@Now,121)) as varchar(3)) + ' Conversion code: ' + str(121,3,0) + ' Returns: ' + convert(varchar(35),@Now,121)

    print 'Length: ' + cast(len(convert(varchar(35),@Now,126)) as varchar(3)) + ' Conversion code: ' + str(126,3,0) + ' Returns: ' + convert(varchar(35),@Now,126)

    print 'Length: ' + cast(len(convert(varchar(35),@Now,130)) as varchar(3)) + ' Conversion code: ' + str(130,3,0) + ' Returns: ' + convert(varchar(35),@Now,130)

    print 'Length: ' + cast(len(convert(varchar(35),@Now,131)) as varchar(3)) + ' Conversion code: ' + str(131,3,0) + ' Returns: ' + convert(varchar(35),@Now,131)

  • select convert(char(8),getdate(),112) as yyyymmdd

    select convert(char(8),getdate(),108) as [hh:mm:ss]

    select convert(char(8),getdate(),1) as [mm/dd/yy]





    (1 row(s) affected)




    (1 row(s) affected)




    (1 row(s) affected)

    The options are almost endless. See BOL->"Cast and Convert"

  • You still can you Johnathan's method:

    SELECT RIGHT(STUFF(CONVERT(char(26),GETDATE(),9),21,4,' '),11)

    Minh Vu

  • Thanks MORRIJL for your SP. It comes in handy.

  • Can be used this way also


    Create Function DateOnly(@dt DateTime)

    returns Datetime



    return Cast(convert(varchar(8),@dt,1) AS datetime)


    CREATE Function TimeOnly(@dt DateTime)

    returns datetime



    return Cast(convert(varchar(8),@dt,8) AS datetime)


    Select dbo.Dateonly(getdate()),dbo.TimeOnly(getdate())


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