How to hide a block of header text when list contains zero rows

  • On my report I have several Lists, drawn from different Data Sets. Each list has a block of static text above it describing what the list is. If any of the lists contain no records I want the static text to disappear. How do I achieve this? An alternative would be to keep the static text and then display 'No records found' underneath. How could that be done?
  • Laurence,

    What reporting tool are you using??

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • I am using Reporting Services - is that what you are asking? This is the Reporting Services forum, right?

  • I was curious.  A lot of questions are mis-posted....

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • I just saw this posted, sorry if you already found the solution.

    right click on the text box you want to hide

    choose Expression

    in the expression box key expression like =IIf(test value is nothing, "Leave blank", "Else type this text")



    =IIF( Fields!ProjectTypeID.Value = nothing , " " , "Total for Project Type: " & Fields!ProjectTypeID.Value)




  • Yes that solution is very similar to what I came up with, thanks.

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