How to implement the following query

  • Hi everyone,

    First of all, I would like to say thanks for your time reading this and I hope you could give me some advices on how to implement the following query.

    I have a table with data as the following:

    create table tblEmployee


    id int primary key identity (1, 1),

    salaryLastYear int,

    salaryCurrentYear int


    insert tblEmployee values (10, 20), (20, 30), (30, 40)

    My expectation is to have the returned result set as the following:

    id salaryLastYear salaryCurrentYear Flag

    1 10 20 0

    2 20 30 0

    3 30 40 0

    NULL 60 90 1

    I have a solution as the following:

    set statistics io on;

    with cte as(

    select *, sum(salaryLastYear) over() as [TotalSalaryLastYear],

    sum(salaryCurrentYear) over() as [TotalSalaryCurrentYear] from tblEmployee)

    select id, salaryLastYear, salaryCurrentYear, 0 from cte

    union all

    select top 1 null, TotalSalaryLastYear, TotalSalaryCurrentYear, 1 from cte;

    But I don't want to apply the solution above because using CTE that will make scanning the table twice, and I also don't want to use Temp table because the real data is very large.

    Do you have any other solutions?

    Thanks you so much.

  • WITH ROLLUP is the option you need for a GROUP BY query.

    DECLARE @tblEmployee AS table (

    id int primary key identity (1, 1),

    salaryLastYear int,

    salaryCurrentYear int


    insert into @tblEmployee

    values (10, 20), (20, 30), (30, 40)

    set statistics io on;

    select id,

    sum(salaryLastYear) as [TotalSalaryLastYear],

    sum(salaryCurrentYear) as [TotalSalaryCurrentYear],


    from @tblEmployee

    GROUP BY id


    Does that help?

  • Thank you so much, sgmunson

    It has worked as my expectation :-). In the example above, I just simulated simple data to describe my problem. Tomorrow I will apply your idea for my real query and get back to you soon.



  • Hi sgmunson and friends,

    Your approach is ok, but I have a request that how to move the last row in your query to the first row position. Actually this is able to do easily in C# front end application but as a sql developer, I have no right to edit the front end web application, and the developers on front end also confirm that they could not change the current code because the current framework is complex.

    My solution is with the returned result set from your query, I will use temp table to move the last row to the first row position, but the real data is very large (this is export function), so I could not use this approach.

    Thank you for reading this, hope anyone could give me some ideas.


  • mai.quangvinh (7/10/2014)

    Hi sgmunson and friends,

    Your approach is ok, but I have a request that how to move the last row in your query to the first row position. Actually this is able to do easily in C# front end application but as a sql developer, I have no right to edit the front end web application, and the developers on front end also confirm that they could not change the current code because the current framework is complex.

    My solution is with the returned result set from your query, I will use temp table to move the last row to the first row position, but the real data is very large (this is export function), so I could not use this approach.

    Thank you for reading this, hope anyone could give me some ideas.


    This is a piece of cake from a coding perspective: Simply add the ORDER BY clause for the id field, as follows:

    DECLARE @tblEmployee AS table (

    id int primary key identity (1, 1),

    salaryLastYear int,

    salaryCurrentYear int


    insert into @tblEmployee

    values (10, 20), (20, 30), (30, 40)

    set statistics io on;

    select id,

    sum(salaryLastYear) as [TotalSalaryLastYear],

    sum(salaryCurrentYear) as [TotalSalaryCurrentYear],


    from @tblEmployee

    GROUP BY id


    ORDER BY id

    Performance on your large dataset will depend on a number of factors, but an index on the id field would likely help.

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