How to increase time out in EM

  • Guys,

    Is there any way to increase time out in EM ? Developers want to see current activities thru EM and don't want to use Query Analizer to issue sp_who2 , sp_lock/sp_lock2. I've tried to adjust parameters in EM tools-options-advanced , but it didn't work. Thank you, Mike.


  • I don't know what you mean by timeout for looking at current activities.

    Basically it amounts to Enterprise manager was not really built to do what your trying to do, I Havn't needed , nor found a way to change timeout when issuing commnds thru EM.

  • Not sure if this is what you are looking for but, you can adjust the timeout for Login Time out and Query time out.  You do this by Clicking Microsoft SQL Servers in the left panel, then clicking tools....options....advanced.

  • Guys,

    when I go to EM and click on Current activity it gives an error 1222 "Lock request time out period exceeded". I've already tried to change tools..options..advanced. It didn't work.

  • EM is not robust enough to return realtime connection/SPID information, especially if the server is too busy, EM will just hang. using QA and issuing sp_who2 , sp_lock/sp_lock2 is the only way to get connection info for SQL Server in realtime (and still be able to do something about it:sick.

    Tell your developers to either learn to live with EM (if they have plenty of time do twiddle their thumbs:whistling or use QA and get some actual work done.

    The Draggon

    The faster they are,

    the faster they go.


    Don't count what you do, do what counts.

    SQL Draggon

  • The only time I have ever experienced a lock timeout while browsing surrent activity it ended up being a situation where tempdb had expereiced exxcessive locking.  You may want to take a look at what is actually being run, or, what locks are being held.

  • I have experienced the same issue sporadically. I have found a few causes, the first mentioned above, excessive tempdb activity - but usually during an 'autogrow'. So we try to size tempdb large enough to avoid this. Another potential cause is that you have configured 'locks' to low or if you are using the 'default' for locks (auto-configure) you may not have enough memory for the server to 'steal' from the data pages to create new lock resource areas. This condition can 'freeze' your SQL Server. And finally, a SQL Server system process (a spid < 51 on most servers) is being blocked, usually it's a user process blocking 'CHECKPOINT'. This too will eventually 'freeze' your SQL Server.

    Alas, the advice of using QA to find the offending process/reason is the best course of action. Once you figure it out EM is a great tool for looking at things. But to really get things done QA is the only way to go.

    Yet another reason to become a 'command line DBA' as opposed to a 'GUI DBA'.

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

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