How to Insert multiple rows if quantity is more than 1

  • Hi,

    I am developing an application. In database there are three tables one 'KitHeader' second 'kitDetails' and third is 'OrderKitItems'. Kit details contains Item and its quantity. Now while selecting a kit for an Order I insert kit items in OrderKitItems table. I want that in case of Quantity of an Item is more than 1 then OrderKitItems table should have multiple rows equal to quantity of that Item for the Item.

    Right now I am using cursor but is there any other way of doing this without using cursor?

  • Do you mean that if there is a quantity of 3 for the it items, you need to insert 3 rows into order details? Are these the same rows? What is difference between the rows?

  • Yes exactly same row for three times

  • May I ask why, exactly, you would be doing that rather than have a quantity column containing the number of items?

  • set @count = 0

    select quantity from .....

    while @count < quantity


    set @count = @count + 1

    insert .......


  • Hi Andrew,

    Actually this is a client requirement. Client needs a facility to update status of the Item i.e. Faulty, Lost, Sold etc. for each item. So in case of one item is faulty and one is lost it is easier if each item is displayed in separate line.

  • Not a god requirement. How would the client distinguish them? Each part should have its serial number, so if the user does not enter (type, scan,...) each part, multiple lines have no sense.

    Besides, if you have many exactly same records, you have a problem updating exactly one of them.

  • There are two type of items one is Serialized like IMEI, SIM etc. and non serialized items like battery, charger etc.. Serialized item always going to be one in one kit but non serialized may be more than one. So while adding to an order I am separating as a line item and primary key is identity column so it generates a unique no. for each line item so system is working fine. The only thing I wanted to know that instead of using cursor as ah.nasr has replied, is there any other way of doing this .

  • aziz.kapadia (1/26/2009)

    There are two type of items one is Serialized like IMEI, SIM etc. and non serialized items like battery, charger etc.. Serialized item always going to be one in one kit but non serialized may be more than one. So while adding to an order I am separating as a line item and primary key is identity column so it generates a unique no. for each line item so system is working fine. The only thing I wanted to know that instead of using cursor as ah.nasr has replied, is there any other way of doing this .

    Do the non-serialised items have a way of idetinying them ? something like a product id

  • What I've replied with is a traditional loop not cursor at all.

    Check this article


  • by using a Tally or Numbers table, you could insertall the items, with the proper qty's in in a single statement:





    SELECT 1,'otheritem',''


    from #TEMP




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  • Thanks ah.nasr

    Its working,

    I am sorry I didn't under stand previously.

  • Thanks to all for replying this post. Lowell's post was really helpful. I was looking for this kind of solution. Thanks

  • ah.nasr (1/26/2009)

    set @count = 0

    select quantity from .....

    while @count < quantity


    set @count = @count + 1

    insert .......


    Heh... try THAT on a million invoices...

    Lowell has it right with the Tally table solution.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • try this out

    insert into orderkititems(...)

    select a.* from

    (select 'item' as item,col1,col2) a,

    (select top (select quantity from kitDetails where item='item') '' as row from sys.all_objects) b

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