How to : Installing Reporting Service on Vista Ultimate?

  • Dear bro and sis,

    I tried to install SQL server 2005 Developer Edition on Vista Ultimate SP 1.

    The problem is I can't install Reporting Services because SQL Server 2005 didn't detect my IIS 7 component.

    In prerequisites, SQL 2005 already warned about this: IIS not detected.

    The other component of SQL 2005 works fine.

    I already installed IIS 7 (with default setting) and tried to run it with http:/localhost/. The localhost working properly, that's mean IIS 7 already

    started, right?

    Please, any body know this problem?

    Thanx ;):D

  • The problem is that IIS 7 by defualt has not all components which are necessary for SSRS. Check out this link for more details:

    [font="Verdana"]Markus Bohse[/font]

  • Thanx Markus,

    So I'll just need to install those component of IIS 7,

    then installing reporting services is not a problem any more 🙂

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