How to login to my local SQL Server? I have no pwd provided

  • I got a new machine fully loaded with all software installed which are required for development/QA. In these software I have SQL Server (2008 developer edition - may be) also installed on my local machine, services are running but when i try to login with my windows credentails it does not login by saying login failed for myCompanyDomain\MyLoginId, I don't have sql user loginId and pwd. The guy who installed this SQL Server no longer available in this company now. How do I connect to SQL Server? Is there any way to assign sa rights to my windows user or can i get reset sa password? plz. help

    Shamshad Ali.

  • On connect to server screen you can choose server name as local and Authentication as "Windows Authentication" to login.


  • As i mentioned earlier in detail that Windows authentication is not working.

    Shamshad Ali

  • with sql server 2008 there is a back door, if you have admin on your machine you can start sql server in single user mode and then add an account with sa rights

    •log on ato the machine as an account with local admin

    •stop sql server

    •at the command prompt, start sql in single user mode (-m flag)

    •open up a command prompt and use sqlcmd to add an account with sa rights

    •stop sql server (ctrtl-c in command window), restart sql in normal mode.



  • Thanks, this is what I was looking for. I used this technique atleast 10 years ago with SQL server 2000 but forgot these steps. I will try it on Monday in office. Thanks a lot.

    Shamshad Ali.

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