How to make select Dense Rank over max of TechnologyId Based on FeatureString Fo

  • I work on sql server 2017 i have table have dense rank over FeatureString and column store rank increment is technology id

    as below

     create table #partsfeature
    PartId int,
    FeatureName varchar(300),
    FeatureValue varchar(300),
    FeatureString varchar(300),
    TechnologyId int
    insert into #partsfeature(PartId,FeatureName,FeatureValue,FeatureString,TechnologyId)


    Now max technology id on table part feature is 3

    I need New Inserted data will be 4,5 for technology id

    New Inserted Data as below



    so how to make select query over Feature String for column Technology Id as 4,5 for New inserted Data

    expected result i need is


    what i try is


    select *,DENSE_RANK() OVER (

    ORDER BY FeatureString

    ) TechnologyId from #partsfeature

  • In which table is TechnologyId primary key?   Is there a linear dependency between PartId and TechnologyId?  Typically in general, if it's necessary to count (or rank) rows in order to insert into (what is ostensibly) a foreign key column, there's a serious omission/issue with the data model.   Ideally (maybe), 'FeaturesString' would would be a column (with UNIQUE constraint) in a table with TechnologyId as primary key.  Then you could use JOIN to determine the TechnologyId value(s).

    Aus dem Paradies, das Cantor uns geschaffen, soll uns niemand vertreiben können

  • I solved issue

    DECLARE @MaxTechnologyID AS BIGINT =

    ( SELECT MAX(TechnologyId)

    FROM #partsfeature



    + @MaxTechnologyID AS BIGINT) AS NewTechnologyId

    from #partsfeature

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