How to manage Transaction Log.

  • Hi All,

    I stheir a way we can manage Transaction log even before it fills up? I have some archive tables, my requirement is to add fields to this tables and default the existing records with certain default values. But unfortunately halway through the update queries it throws an error saying transaction log is full. The reason probably might bcoz of the number of records(millions) and the updates it is doing. I was thinking if i can write my update query in such way that it actually doesnt log each an every thing even after the update for field is done.

    Thanks in advance.

  • ALL transactions are logged, there is no way to prevent that. You will either have to size your transaction log so it can cope with the update or preferably batch the update up so it commits at regular intervals and therefore the committed transactions can be cleared from the log


  • Is this a one time thing?

    You could do a full backup, change your recovery model for the database to SIMPLE, do your updates, change recovery back to full, do another full backup, and backup your transaction log.

    Setting the database to SIMPLE recovery model will minimize the amount of logging done, and clear transactions from the log once they are committed so the space can be reused, but you won't be able to restore your database to a point in time using the transaction log backups until you change it back and do a full backup and transaction log backup.

  • sestell1 (7/31/2012)

    Setting the database to SIMPLE recovery model will minimize the amount of logging done

    Won't help here. Updates are fully logged in all recovery models. A single update uses the same amount of log space in simple or full recovery

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • george sibbald (7/31/2012)

    ALL transactions are logged, there is no way to prevent that. You will either have to size your transaction log so it can cope with the update or preferably batch the update up so it commits at regular intervals and therefore the committed transactions can be cleared from the log

    I agree with George batching the update is probably the best solution, though you really want to make sure you're providing enough space for your files. Last thing you want is to crash your server and/or corrupt your database because you ran out of drivespace.

    This should get you started.

  • GilaMonster (7/31/2012)

    sestell1 (7/31/2012)

    Setting the database to SIMPLE recovery model will minimize the amount of logging done

    Won't help here. Updates are fully logged in all recovery models. A single update uses the same amount of log space in simple or full recovery

    Sorry, I thought there were multiple updates being done.

    If a single update is blowing out your transaction log, then yea your only option is to break the update into batches of records.

  • george sibbald (7/31/2012)

    ALL transactions are logged, there is no way to prevent that. You will either have to size your transaction log so it can cope with the update or preferably batch the update up so it commits at regular intervals and therefore the committed transactions can be cleared from the log

    Thanks a lot, even i was thinking abt the same. But wanted to explore any optons whatsoever, i cannot change anything on database(no permissoins).

  • Update in chunks, maybe 50 000 rows at a time.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • prasadau2006 (7/31/2012)

    Hi All,

    Is their a way we can manage Transaction log even before it fills up? I have some archive tables, my requirement is to add fields to this tables and default the existing records with certain default values. But unfortunately halway through the update queries it throws an error saying transaction log is full. The reason probably might bcoz of the number of records(millions) and the updates it is doing. I was thinking if i can write my update query in such way that it actually doesnt log each an every thing even after the update for field is done.

    Thanks in advance.

    I dealt with a similar issue recently. We had a job that inserted a couple billion rows/week and would explode the transaction log.

    Doing the update in chunks if essential here.

    The script we used looked something like this:

    Note: This is functioning template to get you started. It does not take into consideration things like: multiple transaction logs, log-shipping and/or Replication, DB with the Bulk Recovery Model, etc.

    First a table for this test:

    USE ajbTest; --your database


    -- Create a target table for testing



    CREATE TABLE [target]


    ID int,

    Data varchar(100)





    And the script:


    Prepare variables


    -- These would be parameters in a stored proc

    DECLARE @sampleDataRows INT=555000,

    @rowsPerCycle INT=50000,

    @logReset INT=1

    -- startup message

    DECLARE @startupMsg varchar(1000),

    @logsize INT=(SELECT size/128 FROM sys.database_files WHERE type=1),

    @maxlogsize INT=(SELECT max_size/128 FROM sys.database_files WHERE type=1),

    @transLog varchar(100)=(SELECT physical_name FROM sys.database_files WHERE type=1),

    @logName varchar(100)=(SELECT name FROM sys.database_files WHERE type=1),

    @dynamicTruncate varchar(200) = 'alter database ' + DB_NAME() + ' set recovery SIMPLE;'

    DECLARE @pctLogLeft varchar(6) =

    CAST(CAST(CAST(@logsize AS float)/CAST(@maxlogsize AS float)*100 AS decimal(10,2)) AS varchar(5))+'%'

    SET @startupMsg='Starting large insert into {Your DB}...'+CHAR(13)+CHAR(13)

    SET @startupMsg=@startupMsg+'Current Transaction Log stats for '+DB_NAME()+':'+CHAR(13)

    SET @startupMsg=@startupMsg+' Transaction Log File - '+@transLog+CHAR(13)

    SET @startupMsg=@startupMsg+' Transaction Log Capacity - '+CAST(@maxlogsize AS varchar(20))+'MB'+CHAR(13)

    SET @startupMsg=@startupMsg+' Transaction Log Size - '+CAST(@logsize AS varchar(20))+'MB'

    SET @startupMsg=@startupMsg+' ('+CAST(@maxlogsize-@logsize AS varchar(20))

    SET @startupMsg=@startupMsg+'MB remaining, '+@pctLogLeft+' of capacity)'+CHAR(13)+CHAR(13)

    SET @startupMsg=@startupMsg+'Inserting rows into {your table}...'

    PRINT @StartupMsg


    Create sample source and target tables, populate with sample data


    DECLARE @sourceData TABLE


    ID INT,

    Data varchar(100)



    WITH sampledata (ID,Data) AS


    SELECT 1 [ID],

    SUBSTRING(CONVERT(varchar(40), NEWID()),0,9)+

    SUBSTRING(CONVERT(varchar(40), NEWID()),0,9) [Data]


    SELECT ID+1,

    SUBSTRING(CONVERT(varchar(40), NEWID()),0,9)+

    SUBSTRING(CONVERT(varchar(40), NEWID()),0,9)

    FROM sampledata

    WHERE ID < @sampleDataRows


    INSERT INTO @sourceData

    SELECT ID, Data FROM sampledata


    -- Check to see if there is anything to update



    SELECT a.ID, a.Data FROM @sourceData a

    LEFT JOIN [target] b ON a.ID=b.ID



    PRINT CHAR(13)+' ... Nothing to update. Yay! (maybe)'


    -- Begin the insert



    SET ROWCOUNT @rowsPerCycle



    SELECT a.ID, a.Data FROM @sourceData a

    LEFT JOIN [target] b ON a.ID = b.ID




    -- 1st, check if the translog is > 50% capacity. Shrink the log if True.

    -- This will be checked during each iteration

    IF @logsize > @maxlogsize/2


    PRINT CHAR(13)+'The trans log needs to be shrunk. Shrinking to '+

    CAST(@logReset AS varchar(10))+'MB...'

    IF (SELECT recovery_model_desc FROM sys.databases WHERE name = DB_NAME()) = 'FULL'



    DBCC shrinkfile (@logName,@logReset);

    SET @dynamicTruncate = REPLACE(@dynamicTruncate,'SIMPLE','FULL');




    DBCC shrinkfile (@transLog,@logReset);



    INSERT INTO [target]

    SELECT a.ID, a.Data FROM @sourceData a

    LEFT JOIN [target] b ON a.ID = b.ID


    PRINT ' '+CAST(@@ROWCOUNT AS VARCHAR)+' rows inserted.';



    SET @logsize = (SELECT size/128 FROM sys.database_files WHERE type=1)

    PRINT ' '+'Log Size: '+CAST(@logsize AS varchar(20))+'MB'





    PRINT CHAR(13)+'All Done.'

    How it works:

    The variables at the top would be parameters in a stored proc.

    @sampleDataRows - the # of rows to use for a test insert

    @rowsPerCycle - the # of rows to insert per batch

    @logReset - how big to reset the trans log in MB.

    The data in the target table is compared to the source table. If records exist in the source database that do not exist in the target the process begins:

    First, the size of the transaction log is checked, if it is more than 1/2 of capacity, the trans log is shrunk. If the Recovery Model is FULL then it is first changed to SIMPLE before the shrink, then back to FULL afterwards.

    IF (SELECT recovery_model_desc FROM sys.databases WHERE name = DB_NAME()) = 'FULL'



    DBCC shrinkfile (@logName,@logReset);

    SET @dynamicTruncate = REPLACE(@dynamicTruncate,'SIMPLE','FULL');




    DBCC shrinkfile (@transLog,@logReset);

    Next the insert begins in chunks (defined by @rowsPerCycle)


    INSERT INTO [target]

    SELECT a.ID, a.Data FROM @sourceData a

    LEFT JOIN [target] b ON a.ID = b.ID


    PRINT ' '+CAST(@@ROWCOUNT AS VARCHAR)+' rows inserted.';


    The log file is checked before each iteration and shrunk as needed.

    I included a number of print statements which can be used for logging. For example, If you take this code and run it as a SQL Job, the job log will read like this:

    Starting large insert into {Your DB}...

    Current Transaction Log stats for ajbTest:

    Transaction Log File - E:\SQL_Logs\MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Data\ajbTest_log.ldf

    Transaction Log Capacity - 40MB

    Transaction Log Size - 36MB (4MB remaining, 90.00% of capacity)

    Inserting rows into {your table}...

    The trans log needs to be shrunk. Shrinking to 1MB...

    DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.

    50000 rows inserted.

    Log Size: 12MB

    50000 rows inserted.

    Log Size: 19MB

    50000 rows inserted.

    Log Size: 19MB

    50000 rows inserted.

    Log Size: 19MB

    50000 rows inserted.

    Log Size: 19MB

    50000 rows inserted.

    Log Size: 19MB

    50000 rows inserted.

    Log Size: 23MB

    The trans log needs to be shrunk. Shrinking to 1MB...

    DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.

    50000 rows inserted.

    Log Size: 12MB

    50000 rows inserted.

    Log Size: 19MB

    50000 rows inserted.

    Log Size: 19MB

    50000 rows inserted.

    Log Size: 19MB

    5000 rows inserted.

    Log Size: 19MB

    All Done.

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

  • There shouldn't be any need to shrink the log file while doing the inserts. This just adds extra overhead as the log has to auto-grow back out as records are inserted.

    It probably would have been a lot easier if you just set the recovery model to SIMPLE initially and left it until after you are done inserting, that way after each batch of records is committed the log space used is cleared and can be re-used for the next insert.

    After you are done, shrink the log down, change the recovery model to FULL, and do a full backup and log backup.

  • Don't shrink the log to 0 (unless the next operation is going to be a grow)

    Growing the log is an expensive operation, the file has to be zeroed out and data modifications will have to wait until the log growth is finished. repeatedly shrinking the log during a batched update will just make it run a lot slower and probably leave the DB with horrid log fragmentation.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • sestell1 (8/1/2012)

    There shouldn't be any need to shrink the log file while doing the inserts. This just adds extra overhead as the log has to auto-grow back out as records are inserted.

    This is generally true but, I have also seen cases where the log file fills up the hard drive during a huge insert. For example, I worked at a large financial institution where we had several hundred million records (in the billions at certain times of the year) inserted daily as part of a job and we had the exact same problem - the transaction log would explode.

    If you have a better solution I'd like to hear it (I'm not being snarky, just always looking for better solutions). What

    It probably would have been a lot easier if you just set the recovery model to SIMPLE initially and left it until after you are done inserting, that way after each batch of records is committed the log space used is cleared and can be re-used for the next insert.

    After you are done, shrink the log down, change the recovery model to FULL, and do a full backup and log backup.

    I agree. I threw that code together real fast and was lazy in this regard.

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

  • GilaMonster (8/1/2012)

    Don't shrink the log to 0 (unless the next operation is going to be a grow)

    Growing the log is an expensive operation, the file has to be zeroed out and data modifications will have to wait until the log growth is finished. repeatedly shrinking the log during a batched update will just make it run a lot slower and probably leave the DB with horrid log fragmentation.

    Agreed. In my code example I used a test DB with a max log size of 20MB and am shrinking to 1MB just so I could do a quick demo of a possible solution to this problem. I set my test up this way so I fill the log up fast for demo purposes only.

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

  • XMLSQLNinja (8/1/2012)

    This is generally true but, I have also seen cases where the log file fills up the hard drive during a huge insert.

    Sure. It happens. Shrinking the log at the end of the process is acceptable (a once-off shrink to a reasonable size). Shrinking it during the inserts is just going to cause overhead when the log grows again

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass

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