How to get parts when i have same part and same code type repeated with differe?

  • I work on sql server 2012 i face issue i need to get partid have same code type id

    but have different code and different value

    create table #tradecode
    PartId int,
    codetypeId int,
    code nvarchar(20),
    zvalue nvarchar(20)
    insert into #tradecode(PartID,CodeTypeId,Code,Zvalue)


    expected result

     PartId    codetypeId    code    zvalue
    717286 849774 8532240000 Multilayer
    717286 849774 8532240022 Multilayer
    717286 849774 8532240022 Chip

    so partid 717286 have code type 849774 and have different on code as it have two code

    8532240000 and 8532240022 and different value as chip and Multilayer

    for same code

    because 8532240022 have two values (Multilayer, Chip)

  • This is your 123rd forum topic. Can you write a SELECT query that identifies the parts you want to return - you may want to think about GROUP BY, HAVING, MIN and MAX

  • I'm not at all sure I have understood your question correctly, but this query does produce the desired outcome:

    MultiCodes AS (
    SELECT PartID, CodeTypeId, zValue
    FROM #tradecode
    GROUP BY PartID, CodeTypeId, zValue
    MultiCodePartIDs AS (
    FROM MultiCodes
    GROUP BY PartId

    SELECT tc.PartID, tc.CodeTypeId, tc.Code, tc.Zvalue
    FROM #tradecode tc
    INNER JOIN MultiCodePartIDs mc ON mc.PartId=tc.PartId

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