How to order by

  • Hi i have situation where i need to order by not by desc or asc but according to given report

    Ex if coolumn ALPA as B,C,D,E,R,T ,Z then i have to display according to report

    Coloumn ALPA as z ,E,B,R,C,T

  • One way to acheive this would be to create a reference table with the distinct ALPA values and the desired ranking of each value, then to order your table you would simply need to join to the reference table and order by rank column

  • maybe something like this?

    Ex if coolumn ALPA as B,C,D,E,R,T ,Z then i have to display according to report

    Coloumn ALPA as z ,E,B,R,C,T



    WHEN ALPA IN ('B','C','D','E','R','T' ,'Z')

    THEN 2

    ELSE 1


    this would force items with ALPA in the selected group to appear first, followed by stuff that is outside of the desired group.


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  • steveb. (3/31/2010)

    One way to acheive this would be to create a reference table with the distinct ALPA values and the desired ranking of each value, then to order your table you would simply need to join to the reference table and order by rank column

    This would be my preference, since it could take advantage of an index. ORDER BY CASE cannot.

  • Try this SQL

    order by


    WHEN ALPA = 'E' THEN 1

    WHEN ALPA = 'B' THEN 2

    WHEN ALPA = 'R' THEN 3

    WHEN ALPA = 'C' THEN 4

    WHEN ALPA = 'T' THEN 5

    ELSE 99 END


  • yes, and it's easy to change the order when using this method. For order by case, the query need to be changed, so the application need to be changed.

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  • xinyu.wang1 (4/4/2010)

    For order by case, the query need to be changed, so the application need to be changed.

    Unless dynamic SQL is used 🙂

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