How to pronounce SQL

  • Here's a twist, how do you pronounce: VARCHAR

    Some say VAR (sounds like PAR) CHAR (like CHAR-BROILED)

    I say it like VARE (like the V-A-R- in 'variable') CARE (like the C-H-A-R- in character)

    I know I'm right, of course.. but how do you all say theses?


  • Sequel is an old pronounciation for SEQL - Structured English Query Language. Word English was dropped and now it is SQL, and I think should be pronounced S Q L.


  • quote:

    Here's a twist, how do you pronounce: VARCHAR

    Some say VAR (sounds like PAR) CHAR (like CHAR-BROILED)

    I say it like VARE (like the V-A-R- in 'variable') CARE (like the C-H-A-R- in character)

    I know I'm right, of course.. but how do you all say theses?

    Of course, you are right, but I use Alternative 1



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • If you want to be really annoying do as an ex collegue of mine did and call it Squirrel

  • At a previous job I had this same issue with SAS which is a Statistical Analysis Software script language. The bottom line is, you should say whatever is easiest to pronounce and yet is still clear what you mean. I tip my hat to the SCUBA guy who made this point well. Other examples are LASER and POSH. (which are acronyms for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation and the ancient cruise line term "Port Out Starboard Home")

  • Why was it called Port and Starboard? Does the ship only sail one way, keep the stars on the left(?)



    Cheers,CrispinI can't die, there are too many people who still have to meet me!It's not a bug, SQL just misunderstood me!

  • quote:

    Why was it called Port and Starboard? Does the ship only sail one way, keep the stars on the left(?)

    Depends if you're navigating by the pole star.

  • quote:

    Why was it called Port and Starboard? Does the ship only sail one way, keep the stars on the left(?)



    Having had a bit of fun this morning I discovered this.

  • I'm tempted to adopt Squirrel myself. It would drive them nuts...or up a tree.


  • Gee, I wanted to hear what people had to say about VARCHAR and CHAR.

    As for SQL, when I use it with MS SQL Server I do say "sequel". If I am just casually using it then I probably more often say "S-Q-L". And then, when I used to do Oracle, I pronounced it a couple of different ways, either "S-H-I-T" or "cha-ching", and sometimes in the same sentence and most often the first when I was pulling my hair out and going nuts. Oh, guess I hit that squirrel thing again.

    Perhaps we need names for different versions of SQL. Which one would be Road Kill?

  • I just had a meeting with two Oracle DBAs who pronounced char (to me Char) as car. I finally had to ask what "car" was. I thought it was some obscure Oracle data type.

    I deal with several French companies - so it's S Q L.


    Quand on parle du loup, on en voit la queue

  • Back to the original question. The story goes is that Codd came up with an earlier version he called QL or "Quel," for Query Language. The next time around it was SQL (or the Sequel), as a play on words and sounds.

    The users get ticked off easily enough with supposed miscommunications. I'll stay away from Squirrel for them and keep it an inside joke. Following the other person's pronunciation seems like sound advice.

    I also pronounce varchar as 'Var car', but then again, I miss working in Oracle PL/SQL, too.

  • I had never heard SQL pronounced sequel until I started using MS SQL Server, so the first reply to this topice seems correct to me.

    As for all the acroyms...YGBSM!

  • quote:

    I had never heard SQL pronounced sequel until I started using MS SQL Server, so the first reply to this topice seems correct to me.

    As for all the acroyms...YGBSM!

    Now what the hell is YGBSM!


    (sorry I hit enter too soon - YGBSM)

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