How to pull value of query, and not value of variable when query using select top 1 @value from table

  • THis is my code.. how do I get the variables in the cursor, set statement, to NOT update the temp table with the value of the variable ? I want it to pull a date, not the column name stored in the variable...

    create table #temptable (columname varchar(150), columnheader varchar(150), earliestdate varchar(120), mostrecentdate varchar(120))

    insert into #temptable

    SELECT ColumnName, headername, '', '' FROM eddsdbo.[ArtifactViewField] WHERE ItemListType = 'DateTime' AND ArtifactTypeID = 10

    --column name

    declare @cname varchar(30)

    declare columncursor CURSOR FOR

    SELECT ColumnName FROM eddsdbo.[ArtifactViewField] WHERE ItemListType = 'DateTime' AND ArtifactTypeID = 10

    open columncursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM columncursor into @CNAME



    update #temptable

    set earliestdate = (select top 1 @CNAME from eddsdbo.Document),

    mostrecentdate = (select top 1 @CNAME from eddsdbo.Document)

    where @CNAME IS NOT NULL and @cname = #temptable.columname

    FETCH NEXT from columncursor INTO @CNAME


    CLOSE columncursor

    DEALLOCATE columncursor

    select columname, columnheader, earliestdate, mostrecentdate from #temptable

    drop table #temptable

  • taseedorf (6/26/2015)

    THis is my code.. how do I get the variables in the cursor, set statement, to NOT update the temp table with the value of the variable ? I want it to pull a date, not the column name stored in the variable...

    create table #temptable (columname varchar(150), columnheader varchar(150), earliestdate varchar(120), mostrecentdate varchar(120))

    insert into #temptable

    SELECT ColumnName, headername, '', '' FROM eddsdbo.[ArtifactViewField] WHERE ItemListType = 'DateTime' AND ArtifactTypeID = 10

    --column name

    declare @cname varchar(30)

    declare columncursor CURSOR FOR

    SELECT ColumnName FROM eddsdbo.[ArtifactViewField] WHERE ItemListType = 'DateTime' AND ArtifactTypeID = 10

    open columncursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM columncursor into @CNAME



    update #temptable

    set earliestdate = (select top 1 @CNAME from eddsdbo.Document),

    mostrecentdate = (select top 1 @CNAME from eddsdbo.Document)

    where @CNAME IS NOT NULL and @cname = #temptable.columname

    FETCH NEXT from columncursor INTO @CNAME


    CLOSE columncursor

    DEALLOCATE columncursor

    select columname, columnheader, earliestdate, mostrecentdate from #temptable

    drop table #temptable

    That's going to depend on what date you want to pull, and from where. Also, while I haven't tried it, for some non-apparent reason, you have a column destined for the temp table that has no column name, and it's value is always just a comma and a space, and that lack of a column name will probably fail the query. If you could post a CREATE statement for the original source table and some sample data for it, in addition to your existing code, that would be helpful as well. The primary question that needs answering is why the cursor query isn't grabbing any of the date columns. Also wondering why the date columns are varchar(120), as that seems excessive for a field that will hold a date value, where all that's probably necessary is 10, maybe 21 if you have to include the day of the week spelled out, and 29 if you also need the month spelled out.

  • i think i see what you want, and you'll need to use dynamic SQL

    build a complete update command, and execute it inside the cursor.

    declare @isql varchar(max)

    SELECT @isql ='update #temptable

    set earliestdate = (select top 1 ' + @CNAME + ' from eddsdbo.Document),

    mostrecentdate = (select top 1 ' + @CNAME + ' from eddsdbo.Document)

    where ' + @CNAME + ' IS NOT NULL and ' + @CNAME + ' = #temptable.columname'

    PRINT @isql



    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Thanks for the advice - this is what I ended up using that worked (in case it helped anyone else) I basically had to take a list of columns, and run a query for the max and min date in each column... if there is a better way please post or if this is helpful, this is what I did

    create table #temptable (columnname varchar(150), earliestdate varchar(120), mostrecentdate varchar(120))

    --insert into #temptable

    --SELECT ColumnName, headername, '', '' FROM eddsdbo.[ArtifactViewField] WHERE ItemListType = 'DateTime' AND ArtifactTypeID = 10

    --column name

    declare @cname varchar(30)

    DECLARE @sqlText nvarchar(1000)

    declare @isql varchar(max)

    declare columncursor CURSOR FOR

    SELECT ColumnName FROM eddsdbo.[ArtifactViewField] WHERE ItemListType = 'DateTime' AND ArtifactTypeID = 10

    open columncursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM columncursor into @CNAME



    set @sqlText = '''' + @CNAME + ''''

    SELECT @isql ='insert into #temptable select ' + @sqlText + ', min(' + @CNAME + '), max(' + @CNAME + ') from eddsdbo.Document where ' + @CNAME + ' IS NOT NULL'

    --PRINT @sqltext

    --PRINT @isql


    FETCH NEXT from columncursor INTO @CNAME


    CLOSE columncursor

    DEALLOCATE columncursor

    select columnname, earliestdate, mostrecentdate from #temptable

    drop table #temptable

  • You can actually do this without CURSORs or temp tables.

    DECLARE @sqlText nvarchar(1000)

    SELECT @sqlText = 'SELECT c.ColumnName, MIN(dt) AS EarliestDate, MAX(dt) AS MostRecentDate FROM eddsdbo.Document CROSS APPLY ('

    + STUFF((

    SELECT 'UNION SELECT ' + QUOTENAME(ColumnName, '''') + ', ' + QUOTENAME(ColumnName) + ' '

    FROM eddsdbo.[ArtifactViewField]

    WHERE ItemListType = 'DateTime'

    AND ArtifactTypeID = 10


    ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(1000)')

    , 1

    , 6

    , ''


    + ') AS c(columnname, dt) GROUP BY c.ColumnName'


    You should be aware that this opens you up to SQL injection. I used QUOTENAME() to add quotes or square brackets around the column name, because it will automatically handle columns with quotes or brackets in the name. You may also want to join your source table to INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS to ensure that the column does exist in that table.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

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