How to read the value of "set rowcount int_value" after setting it ?

  • I want in a log function to be able to read the set rowcount nnn variable.

    Has anyone an idea how to read this setting ?

    Thank you !

  • Surely there is a better solution. But the following should work if rowcounts are always less than the number of rows in the sysobjects table (otherwise, consider using another table).

    declare @rowcount int

    declare @count int

    select @count = count(*) from sysobjects

    select @rowcount = 0 from sysobjects

    select @rowcount = @@ROWCOUNT

    if @rowcount = @count

          select @rowcount = 0

    select @rowcount

  • Thank you !

    I'm concerned only about the speed with this solution , I hope the rowcount should be never bigger than the sysobjects table   I will make some speed tests today on my database to see the results and will keep you informed.





    you can get that value by running DBCC USEROPTIONS

    set rowcount 50


    textsize 64512
    rowcount 50
    language us_english
    dateformat mdy
    datefirst 7
    quoted_identifier SET
    arithabort SET
    ansi_null_dflt_on SET
    ansi_defaults SET
    ansi_warnings SET
    ansi_padding SET
    ansi_nulls SET
    concat_null_yields_null SET

    ISN'T SET ROWCOUNT @VAR a per connection property, and not a global property set at the server?

    so the rowcount would always be 0 (shows all) unless you explicitly set it to some value during your connection?

    also, my sysobjects table has just 5200 or so objects in it, but i have plenty of tables with more than 5200 rows, so i don't think that example would be a goood yardstick to try and find the rowcount variable if it has been set.


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