How to reduce MDF file size ?

  • Hi,

    Database size - 300GB

    Only one MDF file.

    Only 3 GB space left in the drive where MDF file is placed, and there 250 GB space available in a different drive.

    If I add an NDF file on this second drive, will SQL server start writing into this new NDF *** soon its added ?

    Will it move any existing data from MDF to NDF automatically ?

    Also I would like to reduce the size of MDF file, what's the best approch to do the same ?



  • 1. If you can allow the shrink operation then you can shrink the data file and after rebuild the indexes, because the shrink will introduce a lot of fragmentation.

    2. You can create another NDF on the second drive and rebuild some of the clustered indexes with drop existing

    CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX index_name ON table(column)


    which will equally distribute data of the index on the two files. SQL Server uses proportional fill and round robin algorithms.

    3. For more space, you can additionally shrink your Log file. It will not introduce fragmentation in data.

    Igor Micev,
    My blog:

  • Hello,

    Have you tried to shrink file? right click database in SSMS, tasks, shrink and then choose files (not database) on the window that pops up you get "shrink action" options, i'd choose reorganize pages before releasing unused space & choose the min option.

    if this doesn't work and you can find time to have the database offline you can back it up, delete the database and then restore it placing the mdf on a drive with extra space.


  • Do you have proper Re-indexing of the Database happening on a Periodic basis?

    With Thanks,


  • Thanks Igor Micev and CodedSteve.

    No much free space in the DB, so shrinking will not release any space to drive.

    Shrinking log file is also not an option as log files are placed in different drive and with MDF

    So the scenario is like almost the entire drive is occuppied by the actual data and only 3GB left in the drive.

    Let me try the options u specified. Thanks again !.

  • satnam.singh 44358 (2/3/2015)

    Do you have proper Re-indexing of the Database happening on a Periodic basis?

    With Thanks,


    Yes, it runs every weekend.

  • Joy Smith San (2/3/2015)

    If I add an NDF file on this second drive, will SQL server start writing into this new NDF *** soon its added ?

    Are you creating the file in the same filegroup?

    Joy Smith San (2/3/2015)

    Will it move any existing data from MDF to NDF automatically ?

    No it will not

    Joy Smith San (2/3/2015)

    Also I would like to reduce the size of MDF file, what's the best approch to do the same ?



    You could try the suggestion proposed by Igor


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Joy Smith San (2/3/2015)

    Thanks Igor Micev and CodedSteve.

    No much free space in the DB, so shrinking will not release any space to drive.

    Shrinking log file is also not an option as log files are placed in different drive and with MDF

    So the scenario is like almost the entire drive is occuppied by the actual data and only 3GB left in the drive.

    Let me try the options u specified. Thanks again !.

    I wouldn't do the shrink. Just add the new filegroup/file on the different drive.

    --Jeff Moden

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    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

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  • Perry Whittle (2/3/2015)

    Joy Smith San (2/3/2015)

    If I add an NDF file on this second drive, will SQL server start writing into this new NDF *** soon its added ?

    Are you creating the file in the same filegroup?

    Joy Smith San (2/3/2015)

    Will it move any existing data from MDF to NDF automatically ?

    No it will not

    Joy Smith San (2/3/2015)

    Also I would like to reduce the size of MDF file, what's the best approch to do the same ?



    You could try the suggestion proposed by Igor

    Yes, I am adding the file in the same filegroup.

    Basically my requirement is that, it should not use the remaining 3GB space and leave that free space in the drive.

    I will try the options suggested by Igor

    Thanks all.

  • if you can't reduce the size of .mdf file, I think you should STOP auto growth on the drive which is almost full and add a .ndf file on different drive. so it will only write to another drive (new).

  • If you set the maximum size of the MDF file to it's current size, it will stop further growth and force new data to be written to the NDF on the other drive. Just be sure that the NDF is large enough to accommodate further expected growth.

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