How to reduce the number of table access from multiple "select count(*) group by" with union all

  • I have a select statement as below, which causes a table access for each union all..

    My goal is to cut down the number of table access without using union all..

    Select A, B, C, '100' as CntType, count(*) as Cnt from SameTable where A between 1 and 100 and B between 1 and 100 and C between 1 and 100 group by A,B,C

    Union all

    Select A, B, C, '200' as CntType, count(*) as Cnt from SameTable where A between 101 and 200 and B between 101 and 200 and C between 101 and 200 group by A,B,C

    Union all

    Select A, B, C, '300' as CntType, count(*) as Cnt from SameTable where A between 201 and 300 and B between 201 and 300 and C between 201 and 300 group by A,B,C

    Union all

    Select A, B, C, 'Over 300' as CntType, count(*) as Cnt from SameTable where A > 300 and B > 300 and C > 300 group by A,B,C

    The above Union all will access the SameTable four times, I'd like to have SQL statements to access the SameTable once..

    Please HELP!

    Happy Friday...

  • This may be way off base but could you add a column to your query and use CASE to populate it based on your A, B & C values? Then you could include that in your GROUP BY.

  • Select

    A, B, C,

    sum(case when A between 1 and 100 and B between 1 and 100 and C between 1 and 100 then 1 else 0 end) AS '100',

    sum(case when A between 101 and 200 and B between 101 and 200 and C between 101 and 200 then 1 else 0 end) AS '200',

    sum(case when A between 201 and 300 and B between 201 and 300 and C between 201 and 300 then 1 else 0 end) AS '300',

    sum(case when A > 300 and B > 300 and C > 300 then 1 else 0 end) AS 'Over 300'

    from SameTable


    (A between 1 and 100 and B between 1 and 100 and C between 1 and 100) or

    (A between 101 and 200 and B between 101 and 200 and C between 101 and 200) or

    (A between 201 and 300 and B between 201 and 300 and C between 201 and 300) or

    (A > 300 and B > 300 and C > 300)

    group by A,B,C

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

  • That's great...

    Let me test it out...

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