How to remove delete duplicate records in a table with no keys defined

  • How to delete duplicate records from a table?

    create table customer

    (custid int,

    custname varchar(20),

    refno int)

    insert into customer values(1,'myname',1)

    insert into customer values(2,'yourname',3)

    insert into customer values(3,'name',2)

    insert into customer values(1,'myname',1)

    select * from customer

    1 myname 1

    2 yourname 3

    3 name 2

    1 myname 1

    The primary record have to be there. Only the last record to be deleted.

  • ALTER Table to add an additional column with IDENTITY Enabled. Drive your logic based on the new column and once the duplicate records or deleted, drop the column.

    Prasad Bhogadi

  • [font="Verdana"]1. Select the distint records from original table and insert them into temp table.

    2. Truncate the original table and insert the al records from Temp table into original table.

    3. Then drop the temp table.



  • [font="Arial"]

    May I suggest use set rowcount 1...for example:

    create table tlb_test

    ( tname varchar(20) null,

    tother int null )

    insert tlb_test

    select 'this', 1 union all

    select 'This', 2 union all

    select 'this', 1 union all

    select 'nope', 3

    select * from tlb_test

    select * from tlb_test

    where tother = 1

    and tname = 'this'

    set rowcount 1


    delete tlb_test

    where tother = 1

    and tname = 'this'


    set rowcount 0



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