How to replace stuff with string agg on sql server 2017 ?

  • i work on sql server 2017 i need to replace stuff with sting agg string_agg

    so how to do that please

    SET @Sql= CONCAT('INSERT INTO ExtractReports.dbo.TAllData(PartID,Code,CodeTypeID,RevisionID,ZPLID ,ConCount,FeatureName,FeatureValue)',' SELECT  PartID,Code,Co.CodeTypeID,Co.RevisionID,Co.ZPLID,Count(1) as ConCount,
    stuff(( SELECT ''$'' + CAST( CP.ColumnName AS VARCHAR(500)) AS [text()]
    FROM(SELECT distinct d.ColumnName,C.codeTypeId,C.Code,C.ZfeatureKey from ExtractReports.dbo.TCondition C with(nolock)
    inner join core_datadefinitiondetails d with(nolock) on C.ZfeatureKey=d.columnnumber
    INNER JOIN ExtractReports.dbo.TPartAttributes P with(nolock) on P.partid=PM.partid)CP
    where CP.codeTypeId=Co.codeTypeId and CP.Code=Co.Code
    ORDER BY CP.ZfeatureKey

    FOR XML PATH(''''))
    , 1, 1, '''') as FeatureName,
    stuff(( SELECT ''$'' + CAST( CP2.Name AS VARCHAR(500)) AS [text()]
    FROM(SELECT distinct P.partId,P.Name,C2.codeTypeId,C2.Code,C2.ZfeatureKey FROM ExtractReports.dbo.TCondition C2 with(nolock)
    INNER JOIN ExtractReports.dbo.TPartAttributes P with(nolock) on C2.ZfeatureKey=P.ZfeatureKey)CP2
    where CP2.codeTypeId=Co.codeTypeId and CP2.Code=Co.Code and CP2.PartId=PM.partid
    ORDER BY CP2.ZfeatureKey
    FOR XML PATH(''''))
    , 1, 1, '''') as FeatureValue
    ExtractReports.dbo.TPartAttributes PM with(nolock)
    INNER JOIN ExtractReports.dbo.TCondition Co with(nolock) ON Co.ZfeatureKey = PM.ZfeatureKey ',
    'Where (1=1 and ',@Con , @ConStr,' ) Group By PartID,Code,Co.CodeTypeID,Co.RevisionID,Co.ZPLID ' ,
    ' Having Count(1)>= ',(SELECT COUNT(1) FROM ExtractReports.dbo.TCondition with(nolock)))

    EXEC (@SQL)
  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

    This is an automated bump to increase visibility of your question.

  • Duplicate post

  • And still no answer as the WHY this needs to be done.

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