How to restore MSDB database from sql 2000 to sql 2005. Got error while doing this

  • Hi all,

    Can we restore MSDB database of sql server 2000 to sql server 2005

    I have tried this but face an error of Version. You can not restore due to version number mismatch. Is there any other alternative to restore

    Any suggestion of doing this restoration


    shashi kant chauhan

  • Why would you restore the msdb Database across versions?

    I'll recommend scripting out whatever you would want from msdb and then execute the scripts on the new database server.

  • You can't restore backups of SQL 2000 system databases i.e. master, model, or msdb in SQL 2005 because of all the structural changes in SQL 2005.


  • Hi,

    The best solution is generate the script of msdb database and execute its to 2005 server as you know that the structure of 2000 and 2005 is totally deff.



  • Typically if you try to restore across versions it will throw an error.

    As mentioned in the earlier posts, the reason why this is not possible is that we have have some structural changes in the database, tables or even columns across versions. specially in SQL 2000 to SQL2005, I am sure there are many.

    For minor version differences you can try this.....

    1) take backup of msdb of destination server (you may need this as a roll back plan)

    2) take backup of msdb of source server

    3) restore msdb to destination as msdb1 db

    4) backup msdb1 on destination

    5) restore msdb1 to destination as msdb db (since backup was taken on same server, restore is possible)

    Pls note : this is not recommended by MSFT and is only a personal work around. Use at your own risk. It worked fine for me as I restored MSDB from SQL2K5 Sp2 to SQL2K5 Sp3.

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