How to restore non-system stored procedure from 2000 Master database to 2000R2 Master database

  • Hello everyone,

    I am working to upgrade SQLServer 2000 to SQLServer 2008R2. For this, I have created a development environment with Windows Server 2008R2 running SQLServer 2008R2. I adopt the following approach.

    1. Took backup of databases from SQLServer 2000 and restored on SQLServer 2008R2.

    2. Now on 2008R2, I deleted all the logins from existing databases and left the default logins.

    3. I created all those logins with exact username and password, because I doubt that those logins were used in the application.

    I was stuck while trying to transfer the non-system stored procedures of 2000 Master database to 2008 Master database. What I found was, there are 70 stored procedures which are not available on 2008 Master database. Few of them are being created by the development and I reckon few have been created by some services. I can script those 70 stored procedure and create them in new instance but the problem is they are associated with certain dll files. What I am thinking is, copy all those dll files from old instance and copy them into new instance.

    The hard part is there is no way to test how they behave in new environment until and we got some problem from application. Has anybody got any idea on how can I check the dependencies of those dlls, so that I can make sure that they behave as desired.

    Or is there any other approach to solve this problem, rather than copying those dlls.

    Thanking you in advance.

    B Raj Dhakal

  • You may need do a fully testing to make these ExtendedStoredProcedure.

  • Thank you for your reply. I agree on what you said, but I have no idea how to check the dependencies of those dlls.

    B Raj Dhakal

  • There are some tools for you to check DLL dependencies such as Dependency Walker 2.2, but i didn't use them before. You may have a try.

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