How-to-return-next-values-and-concatenate-with_string (SQL Server 2012)

  • Hi there 🙂

    I have a source table called Table A (see image) and i want to read all the data into Table B which contains two additional columns that needs to be filled in via sql script.


    subscriptionid prodgegdate salesdate productenddate

    2000 2006-02-27 2006-02-27 2008-04-04

    2000 2006-02-27 2006-02-27 2008-04-04

    2000 2006-02-27 2006-02-27 2008-04-04

    3000 2009-09-03 2009-09-03 2010-04-01

    3000 2009-09-03 2009-09-03 2010-04-01

    3000 2009-09-03 2009-09-03 2010-04-01

    4000 2006-06-16 2006-06-16 2015-04-03

    4000 2006-06-16 2006-06-16 2015-04-03

    TABLE B WITH TWO ADDITIONAL COLUMNS (SubscriptionRowLog and SubscriptionRowDate)

    subscriptionid prodgegdate salesdate productenddate subscriptionirowlog subscriptionrowdate

    2000 2006-02-27 2006-02-27 2008-04-04 2000_0 2006-02-27

    2000 2006-02-27 2006-02-27 2008-04-04 2000_1 2006-03-27

    2000 2006-02-27 2006-02-27 2008-04-04 2000_2 2006-04-27

    3000 2009-09-03 2009-09-03 2010-04-01 3000_0 2009-09-03

    3000 2009-09-03 2009-09-03 2010-04-01 3000_1 2009-10-03

    3000 2009-09-03 2009-09-03 2010-04-01 3000_2 2009-11-03

    4000 2006-06-16 2006-06-16 2015-04-03 4000_0 2006-06-16

    4000 2006-06-16 2006-06-16 2015-04-03 4000_1 2006-07-16

    I have tried to do the following but i am not getting it right 🙁


    DECLARE @ROWCOUNT AS nvarchar = 0


    /*the first time the row 1 i will have default value so i assign prodgegdate to the new column SubscriptionRowDate and SubscriptionRowLog_0 */


    SubscriptionRowDate = CAST(prodgegdate AS DATE) ,

    SubscriptionRowLog = ViasatSubscriptionID + '_'+@ROWCOUNT ,

    CASE WHEN baseenddate IS NULL

    THEN CONVERT(date, getdate())

    ELSE baseenddate

    END AS baseenddate

    FROM dbo.stage_viasatsubscription

    /*next row 2 i insert the following */


    SubscriptionRowDate =salesdate

    /*next row 3 i insert the following */


    @ LOGDATE1 =DATEADD(Month,1,DATETIME(subscriptionid))

    WHILE (DATEDIFF(day,LOGDATE1 ,DATETIME(productenddate)) > 0)


    SubscriptionRowLog = subscriptionid + '_' +@ROWCOUNT

    SubscriptionRowDate =FORMAT((LOGDATE1),'yyyy-MM-dd')






    @ROWCOUNT = 0

    Basically i want to get the same result as in Table B.

    Any help will highly appreciate as i am stuck on this for past few days.

    thanks 🙂

  • This gives the output you specified:

    declare @t table


    subID int,

    prodgdate date,

    salesdate date,

    prodendDate date


    insert @t (subID, prodgdate, salesdate, prodendDate) values

    (2000, '2006-02-27', '2006-02-27', '2008-04-04')

    ,(2000, '2006-02-27', '2006-02-27', '2008-04-04')

    ,(2000, '2006-02-27', '2006-02-27', '2008-04-04')

    ,(3000, '2009-09-03', '2009-09-03', '2010-04-01')

    ,(3000, '2009-09-03', '2009-09-03', '2010-04-01')

    ,(3000, '2009-09-03', '2009-09-03', '2010-04-01')

    ,(4000, '2006-06-16', '2006-06-16', '2015-04-03')

    ,(4000, '2006-06-16', '2006-06-16', '2015-04-03')

    ;with cte as


    select subID, prodgdate, salesdate, prodendDate, ROW_NUMBER() over(Partition by subID order by prodgdate)-1 RowNum

    from @t


    select *, CAST(subID as CHAR(4)) + '_' + CAST(RowNum as char(2)), DATEADD(mm, RowNum, prodgdate)

    from cte

    This should work WAY faster than a while loop.

    For future posts, note how DDL and data have been entered. It makes it easier for anyone who would like to answer your questions.

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  • Your help is much appreciated 🙂 i will try this out and thanks for the feedback regarding my post 🙂

  • Hi, i tried but the rowNum column is returning null. I can only see the inserted values.

  • mandania (6/29/2015)

    Hi, i tried but the rowNum column is returning null. I can only see the inserted values.

    I just checked the docs and they state that cte's and Row_Number are valid for SQL 2005.

    This is the output that I get when I run the query I posted:

    subID prodgdate salesdate prodendDate RowNum NewCol1 NewCol2

    2000 2006-02-27 2006-02-27 2008-04-04 0 2000_0 2006-02-27

    2000 2006-02-27 2006-02-27 2008-04-04 1 2000_1 2006-03-27

    2000 2006-02-27 2006-02-27 2008-04-04 2 2000_2 2006-04-27

    3000 2009-09-03 2009-09-03 2010-04-01 0 3000_0 2009-09-03

    3000 2009-09-03 2009-09-03 2010-04-01 1 3000_1 2009-10-03

    3000 2009-09-03 2009-09-03 2010-04-01 2 3000_2 2009-11-03

    4000 2006-06-16 2006-06-16 2015-04-03 0 4000_0 2006-06-16

    4000 2006-06-16 2006-06-16 2015-04-03 1 4000_1 2006-07-16

    You could try moving the cte into the body of the query:

    select *, CAST(subID as CHAR(4)) + '_' + CAST(RowNum as char(2)) NewCol1, DATEADD(mm, RowNum, prodgdate) NewCol2

    from (

    select subID, prodgdate, salesdate, prodendDate,

    ROW_NUMBER() over(Partition by subID order by prodgdate)-1 RowNum

    from @t

    ) a

    How to Post to get the most:

  • Thanks mate, it worked!!

    The next thing i want to do is an insert these select into a table

    This is what i tried to do

    INSERT INTO subs (


    , prodgdate

    , salesdate

    , prodendDate,sub

    ,CAST(subIDas CHAR(8))+'_'+CAST(RowNum as char(4)) subscriptionrowlog

    ,DATEADD(mm, RowNum, prodgdate) subscriptionrowdate


    but its throwing syntax error.

  • that error would be pure syntax. you don't have a it's

    INSERT INTO TableName(ColumnList) VALUES ...

    or INSERT INTO TableName(ColumnList) SELECT ...

    you've mixed values with columns, so ti fails.

    INSERT INTO subs (subID,prodgdate,salesdate,prodendDate,sub,subscriptionrowlog,subscriptionrowdate)



    , prodgdate

    , salesdate

    , prodendDate,sub

    ,CAST(subIDas CHAR(8))+'_'+CAST(RowNum as char(4)))

    ,DATEADD(mm, RowNum, prodgdate))

    INSERT INTO subs (subID,prodgdate,salesdate,prodendDate,sub,subscriptionrowlog,subscriptionrowdate)



    , prodgdate

    , salesdate

    , prodendDate,sub

    ,CAST(subIDas CHAR(8))+'_'+CAST(RowNum as char(4)) AS subscriptionrowlog

    ,DATEADD(mm, RowNum, prodgdate) AS subscriptionrowdate


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  • I have solved the issue. My gratitude to Lowell for his time and patience.

  • The table below is the result of the modifed script. This works fine for one a row with one or more subid.

    subID prodgdate salesdate prodendDate RowNum Subrowlog Subrowdate

    2000 2006-02-09 2006-02-09 2006-02-04 0 2000_0 2006-02-27

    3000 2007-04-07 2007-04-07 2007-04-09 1 2000_1 2006-03-27

    4000 2008-06-02 2008-06-02 2008-06-06 2 2000_2 2006-04-27

    but i had made a mistake, i forgot to mention that i want to iterate for number of days

    Datediff(days,prodgdate,prodenddate) so for subid i have 5 days of difference and the result should look like this in the end

    subID prodgdate salesdate prodendDate RowNum Subrowlog Subrowdate

    2000 2006-02-09 2006-02-09 2006-02-04 0 0 2000_0 2006-02-04

    2000 2006-02-09 2006-02-09 2006-02-04 1 1 2000_1 2006-03-04

    2000 2006-02-09 2006-02-09 2006-02-04 2 2 2000_2 2006-04-04

    2000 2006-02-09 2006-02-09 2006-02-04 3 3 2000_3 2006-05-04

    2000 2006-02-04 2006-02-09 2006-02-04 5 4 2000_4 2006-06-04

    3000 2007-04-07 2007-04-07 2007-04-09 0 0 2000_0 2006-04-07

    3000 2007-02-27 2007-04-07 2007-04-09 1 1 2000_1 2006-05-07

    This is the script:

    SELECT*, CAST(subID as CHAR(4)) + '_' + CAST(RowNum as char(2)) subscriptionrowlog

    ,CASE WHEN RowNum<= DATEDIFF(DAY, salesdate, prodendDate) THEN

    DATEADD(mm, RowNum, salesdate) --DATEADD(mm, RowNum,

    CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),salesdate,112)) --DATE OVERFLOW???

    ELSE '1900-01-01'

    END AS subscriptionrowdate


    SELECT subID, prodgdate, salesdate, prodendDate,

    ROW_NUMBER() over(Partition by subID order by prodgdate)-1 RowNum

    FROM @t

    ) a

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