How to rollback a service pack in sql 2005 and sql 2008 ?

  • Hi All,

    Can anyone share information about rollbacking a service pack?

    What are pre-cautionary steps i can take in SQL 2005 ? and

    What are pre-cautionary steps i can take in SQL 2008 ?

    I can take a backup of the binaries and data file location before applying the serive pack.

    Is that a way to rollback a service pack?

    Thanks in Advance.

  • Starting SQL Server 2008 SP1, you can using the Add/Remove applet in Control Panel to uninstall Service Packs.

    In SQL Server 2005, service packs cannot be uninstalled. Hence you need to uninstall SQL Server and restore the databases from backups.

    Pradeep Adiga
    Twitter: @pradeepadiga

  • Thanks Pradeep.

  • And by databases he also includes the system DBs.

    Make sure you backup those as well (excluding tempdb of course).

  • He Thanks.

  • Oracle_91 (8/8/2011)

    He Thanks.

    HTH. If it were me and since I have never done a downgrade before I'd set aside 3-4 hours to give this a go. Copy the server, make backups, and try to go through DR in the case the sp breaks the application in a non-recoverable way.

    Take plenty of notes and script as much as you can. This is not a simple straight forward restore, there are plenty of steps that need to be done in a very particular order (system dbs especially).

    Go as far as trying to use the app on the new server and make sure logins still work. The last thing you want is think your server is good and realize that 1000 logins are broken ;-). I'm not saying it's going to happen, but I'd want to test that.

  • what about the service pack uninstall. will it uninstall any ddl and dml changes to the system tables in the system and user databases, if it touches them.

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