How to run a dynamically cursor

  • Hi guys,

                  I am facing a problem.I want to write a script which accepts two tablename as parameters and compare those two tables value. If any field value of a table is changed, it will show u the changed information.For this I have to write a cursor to pick up all the value.Then I have to compare row by row and then field by field.But the problem is I don't know the fields name of the table.Because the table name are not fiexed.and I cannot write select * from <tablename > in a cursor.I have to specify each field name.I can get all the fieldname from syscolumns table. but How can I execute the cursor and store that value into variables.I couldn't do that.

    I don't want any site name.I don't want  to any utility.How is it possible through script? Can anyone give solution.Please don't mention any site name.

    write code if possible.

    Can anyone help me?

    Thanks & Regards

    Niladri Saha

    Thanks & Regards,

    Niladri Kumar Saha

  • It is possible to do this, but you are really re-inventing the wheel.

    Have a look on the net and you will find some very cheap tools that do this.


    Have a look at Red Gate or this one


    Ther are many more around. You can search this site and find a few articles about. I have seen them over a period of time.

    The Users are always right - when I'm not wrong!

  • I don't want any site name.I don't want  to any utility.How is it possible through script? Can anyone give solution.Please don't mention any site name.

    write code if possible.



    Niladri Saha

    Thanks & Regards,

    Niladri Kumar Saha

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