How to send query results to another server/database

  • Apologies if this is very simple, but I can't seem to find anything on the internet to help me with this.

    I have 2 SQL Servers, one of which I want to query and then output the results of this query to another database on the second SQL server.

    Can somebody give me a little help with this - I'm just trying to work out the structure of the code that I should be using, I'm sure I can work it out from there.

    Is it best to use the 2nd SQL server and then add the 1st (main) SQL server as a registered server?

    Really unsure where to start here... any help would be much appreceited.


  • You can create the 'linked servers' and use the four part naming convention to access the data from linked server. Have a look in BOL about linked servers. It should be straightforward. Let us know if you are stuck!:-)


  • Thanks, I'll take a look now.

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