how to set the 'Select All' option as default selected in multivalue parameter?

  • Hey Michelle,

    I was just curious if this issue was specific to VS or also apparent in RS/MOSS.

    Question: Is the "Multi-value" options checked under properties?

  • mtraphagen (5/20/2008)

    I want to select a bunch of stuff (or everything) from a query then you can do that with the "From query" option. It will ask you for a dataset and and a value field that matches the value field from the "available values" section.

    ...I did that, my values display, but none are checked. I have no idea what I am missing.....


    You have to repeat that below in the "default value" section. It doesn't show anything at first, since the default "default" is null. You'll want to set it to the same thing as the value column you have in the "Available values" section.

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • Hey!

    I had to go into MOSS, into the edit parameter option and set the default there. (Yuk, not fun if you have a bunch of them)

    But it worked for me then. My values are checked by default! Thank you very much!

    I appreciate it!


  • How/where in MOSS did you go to edit the parameter option.

    I have having the same issues where my default values are setup the same as my available values, multiple selections is checked, but no values are checked in the parameter list.

    Thank you,


    mtraphagen (5/20/2008)


    I had to go into MOSS, into the edit parameter option and set the default there. (Yuk, not fun if you have a bunch of them)

    But it worked for me then. My values are checked by default! Thank you very much!

    I appreciate it!


  • I figured it out. My query on the parameter list dataset was returning a NULL value in the list. This is not supported. After I added the where programname <> 'NULL' to the dataset query, everything is working now and the values are all selected by default.

  • If you are using a dataset to populate the Available values - just use the same dataset to also populate the default values. This causes every option to be ticked.

    Just tried this and it works for Analysis Services datasource (the list is a limited list using topcount - so I had to remove the [All] member)

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