How to Shrink log on SharePoint with no client

  • :w00t: URGENT :sick:

    This is the case, I inherited a server with SharePoint installed with all the defaults. No account info or configuration as the installer is long gone from the company.

    I am getting alerts about the size of the log (via space checker for the OS) I verified and the log is the culprit. If possible, I need answers to two questions

    1. How can I move the files to a different drive (installed SSMS\SEE but cannot connect to local server)

    2. How can I shrink the log?

    Thank you

    :w00t: URGENT :sick:

  • - try making your account member of the local windows administrators group. That may get you sysadmin rights for SQLServer.

    - Take a full backup of all database(s).

    - Isn't there something prescribed by sharepoint itself concerning movement of databases ?

    Best is to shut down sharepoint before you try to handle the databases.

    If you have space on another drive, you could try to move e.g. the log file to that drive, provided you grant the sqlserver service account read/write auth. to the folder you prepare.

    In books online is a whole section called "How to: Move a Database Using Detach and Attach "

    Take your time, read it and test it with a dummy database you can create, so you know what to expect during the operation.

    Play it safe, start with a full backup of all databases !!


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    but keeping both feet on the ground wont get you anywhere :w00t:

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  • Thanks, I have admin rights, but open the client I just installed I cannot connect to SQL Server. Message reads the configuration message indicating "no remote conenction allowed" Weird ah? I am in the box itself

    I tried from a different box and still no connection. No problems moving databaase as I have done it quite a few times. No worries there. I might be missing something, but have no clue what. Thanks a lot

  • SharePoint, are we talking MOSS or WSS? Are you using an existing SQL Server instance for SharePoint or is it using the Microsoft Internal Database (Mirosoft SQL Server Embedded Edition)?

    SharePoint has its own Control Site from which you can run SharePoint backups. You have to use Windows Scheduler with a command script to automate these types of backups.

    To try and help further, I really need the answers to the above questions.

  • To help a little, we have WSS setup on a development server. For the longest time, I could not figure out how to connect to the Windows Internal Database. I finally found out how from the most unlikely place, Wikipedia.

    First, this only works when done from the server where the Windows Internal Database is installed (I still haven't figured out how to connect remotely). When registering the instance, the server name is this:


    Once I fiqured this out and was able to connect, the first thing I did was put the WSS related databases into simple recovery mode. The problem I was having on our development server was that I was running out of disk space on the C drive where WSS was installed because of the log files. After doing that, I shrank the log files using SSMS and I haven't messed with them since. I just make sure to back up the WSS sites daily (manually at the moment as I am still learning about WSS and the command line tools).

  • WSS Lynn and it is using the internal database as the database is not in the regular folder, but in Windows Directory under the following path


    If it were in an instance it will be great!! I will ask the person handling the site to get full rights to go into the application to run the backups.

    Running via windows scheduler, is it possible you send a sample of the script? I tried using command line, but it failed due to rights (I am a member of the admin group in the box)

    Thanks 😀

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