How to store Audio files in SQL Server 2000

  • Hi,

    Kindly provide solution for ,,,,,,,,,,,

    How to store Audio files in SQL Server 2000



  • Im not sure, but storing audio files in sql server 2000 is not supported.

    You can do the following

    Store the audio files into a folder (eg: D:\songs)

    Then store the filename and the exact path in sql server table

    You can use this table to retrive the filename and path using the table so that you can have access to the audio files

  • Vidhya, I would not be so hasty in claiming that. SQL Server is an OLEDB Server, which means it can hold any type of files, and I am sure there are many many organisations who hold their movies, music, and pictures directly on SQL Server.

    If I am wrong I hope someone will put me right.



    Experience is a bad teacher whose exams precede its lessons

  • It's a few years since I did this (and my memory might be failing me) but I worked on a project where we stored Excel files within the database and returned then to the client application using Append Chunk (to upload) and Get Chunk (to download). The files were stored in an image field. I see no reason why you couldn't store any type of file in an image field.


  • You can use the BLOB datatypes to store & retrive the information.

    But the recommanded solution is,

    - Store the Binary Objects in Common Server

    - Store the Path of the file in the SQL Server Table

    - Retrive the path information from table

    - Retrive the orginal file from the table's path

    It is more efficient than storing the values in the Database.

    It will reduce your database maintanance cost & improve your performance too...

  • In many discussions on this issue that I have seen on several forums, including here, all the big boys have been very careful to stress that there is no one preferred way. Each has its pros and each has its cons.



    Experience is a bad teacher whose exams precede its lessons

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