How to store output message in a variable or temp table.

  • Just one work of caution. The sql that I listed to parse the error text takes as an assumption that the error text will always start with 'MSG '.

    Dave Novak

  • Hi Dave!

    I got following error from your modified script

    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 6

    Incorrect syntax near ')'.

    It looks to me okay. But something is wrong there. Here i send you the modified script that I try to run:

    create table #a ( aline varchar(max))

    DECLARE @vcText varchar(200)

    EXEC @vcText = master..xp_restore_verifyonly @filename='\\ctsqladp01\Backup$\InstA\msb.lsb'

    INSERT INTO #a (aline)

    VALUES (CASE WHEN @vcText = '0' THEN @vcText ELSE SUBSTRING(@vcText, 5, CHARINDEX(',', @vcText, 1) - 5))

    if exists (select * from #a where aline=0)


    SELECT 'Good DB'





    SELECT ' Backup is bad'



    drop table #a

  • You have to end the case statement.

    (CASE WHEN @vcText = '0' THEN @vcText ELSE SUBSTRING(@vcText, 5, CHARINDEX(',', @vcText, 1) - 5) end)

  • I forgot the END statement on the CASE statement. Here is the correct SQL

    INSERT INTO #a (aline)

    VALUES (CASE WHEN @vcText = '0' THEN @vcText ELSE SUBSTRING(@vcText, 5, CHARINDEX(',', @vcText, 1) - 5) END)

    Dave Novak

  • Hi Dave!

    Now I am getting the following Error. It runs but showing some extra error messagw which I try to avoid.Any Idea?

    Msg 536, Level 16, State 5, Line 5

    Invalid length parameter passed to the SUBSTRING function

    The statement has been terminated.

    backup is bad

    Msg 50204, Level 19, State 1, Line 0

    LiteSpeed 2005 could not initialise the backup file. The previous system message is the reason for the failure.

    Please contact support for further assistance.

    Thank you.

    Mohammad Aziz

  • The error you are now getting is caused by a length value for the 3rd parameter in the SUBSTRING function that is less then 1. Try replacing the CASE statment inside the VALUES clause with this CASE statement:

    CASE WHEN @vcText = '0' THEN @vcText ELSE SUBSTRING(@vcText, 5, CHARINDEX(',', @vcText, 5) - 5) END

    If you are still getting the invalid length error, then the error statement you are getting back has no commas in it. If this is the case, you need to review the various error statements and add addtional WHEN .... THEN clauses to parse the various error clauses.

    Dave Novak

  • Hi!

    Instead of giving database path I want to give database name by using parameter. Itried following script

    DECLARE @vcText int

    ,@db varchar(50)

    set @db='msdb'

    EXEC @vcText = master..xp_restore_verifyonly @filename='\\ctsqladp01\Backup$\InstA\'+@db+'.lsb'

    But It shows the error below:

    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 4

    Incorrect syntax near '+'.

    Can you please tell me how can I get rid of it?

    Thank you

  • Try doing the concatenation before the execution.

    DECLARE @vcText int,

    @db varchar(50),

    @FilePath VARCHAR(500)

    SET @db='msdb'

    SET @FilePath = '\\ctsqladp01\Backup$\InstA\'+@db+'.lsb'

    EXEC @vcText = master..xp_restore_verifyonly @filename = @FilePath

  • Hi Guys!

    when I run this module to my database refresh job it runs good but when it get any bad backup file the job quit and shows the same error message in the backup history. Can anyone tell me how can I handle this bad backup file and run the job successfully.

    Thank you.

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