How to Transforming Data

  • hi....

    If I have a Temp Table having following values


    1    A    B    C

    2    D    E    F

    3    D    E    F

    4    I    J     K

    Can I transform it to table


    1      A    B    C

    2,3   D    E    F

    4      I     J    K

    note: third row is same as second except first field so i put "," There

    Thanks a lot in advance

  • Try an aggregate statement using the Group By statement BOL will be great help figuring out how to use it.

  • Is there multiple columns or only one big column there, Kanwar?

    Can you give an example with the CREATE TABLE so we can see what the column definitions are?


    Julian Kuiters

  • I have two tables having same structure.

    Create table #temp1(

    cID varchar(10),

    Field1 varchar(10),

    Field2 varchar(10),

    Field3 varchar(10))



    1    A    B    C

    2    D    E    F

    3    D    E     F

    4     I    J     K


    Second Table

    Create table #temp2(

    cID varchar(10),

    Field1 varchar(10),

    Field2 varchar(10),

    Field3 varchar(10))

    Can I transform it to second table (by select from first and insert into second)



    1      A     B     C

    2,3   D     E     F

    4      I     J      K

    Thanks for your time

  • A cursor would appear to be the only way. A bit slower but gets the job done OK.



    source table creation

    create table groupings

    (id int, col1(varchar(1), col2(varchar(1), col3(varchar(1))


    insert into groupings values (1, 'A','B','C')

    insert into groupings values (2, 'D','E','F')

    insert into groupings values (1, 'D','E','F')

    insert into groupings values (1, 'G','H','I')

    dest table creation

    create table groupings_output

    (allcols varchar(3), ids nvarchar(255))

    allcols is a concatenation of all three columns in source table


    declare @Groups varchar(3) -- this holds the three columns concatenated

    declare @id int -- this holds the unique id on the source table

     declare idList cursor for

     select id from groupings

     OPEN idList


     INTO @id



       select @Groups = col1+col2+col3 from groupings where

       id = @id

       If exists(select * from groupings_output where allcols = @Groups) -- duplicate found


        update groupings_output set ids = convert(nvarchar(255),ids)

        + ',' + convert(nvarchar(255),@id) where allcols = @Groups


         ELSE --- new entry

        insert into groupings_output

        select col1+col2+col3, id from groupings where id = @id

       FETCH NEXT FROM idList

         INTO @id


     CLOSE idList

     DEALLOCATE idList

    The Users are always right - when I'm not wrong!

  • Thanks Stokes thanks a lot.but my problem is bit diffrent

    i have to do it without cursors

    I have same structure for both the tables

    I want to concatenate only IDs of rows having all data same in other columns

    Like 2nd and 3rd row in example given above


  • If you want to avoid cursors, you can try using a data driven query in dts. See link:

    This enables you to check for existience of a record and run an insert.

    It will be quicker than using a cursor, but I do not think by much. Whatever you do, you are going to need to process row by row because of the checking of existing records.

    The Users are always right - when I'm not wrong!

  • You caould use another temp table and a loop (see below) but probably not what you want if you do not want to use a cursor. Otherwise your only hope is a udf.

    Create table #temp2(

    checkID varchar(10),

    cID varchar(10),

    Field1 varchar(10),

    Field2 varchar(10),

    Field3 varchar(10))

    insert into #temp2

    select min(cID),min(cID),


    from #temp1

    group by Field1,Field2,Field3

    declare @rc int

    set @rc = 1

    while (@rc > 0)


    update t2

    set t2.checkID =

    (select min(t1.cID) from #temp1 t1

    where t1.Field1 = t2.Field1

    and t1.Field2 = t2.Field2

    and t1.Field3 = t1.Field3

    and t1.cID > t2.checkID)

    from #temp2 t2

    where t2.checkID IS NOT NULL

    update #temp2

    set cID = cID + ',' + checkID

    where checkID IS NOT NULL

    set @rc = @@ROWCOUNT


    select * from #temp2

    drop table #temp2

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

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