How to update Flag based on Maximum Amount

  • Create Table #Temp


    Lnno Varchar(15),

    Custcode varchar(10),

    Flag varchar(10),

    Amount Int,

    Amount_Flag varchar(1)


    Insert Into #Temp

    Values ('1','A1','Cust',1000,''),


    Select * from #Temp



    As per my requirement it is working all right but only in one scenario it is not working,that I mentioned in sample data,

    For Lnno = 1,

    Custcode = A1

    flag = Cust

    And Amount is also same,then it is Updated Amount_Flag = 'Y' for both the records,

    My requirement is in this case it should be updated to only any one record.


  • Create Table #Temp


    Lnno Varchar(15),

    Custcode varchar(10),

    Flag varchar(10),

    Amount Int,

    Amount_Flag varchar(1)


    Insert Into #Temp

    Values ('1','A1','Cust',1000,''),


    Select * from #Temp

    ;with cte as (

    Select row_number() over (partition by Lnno order by amount desc, flag desc, custcode) as rn,*

    from #Temp


    update cte

    set Amount_Flag = 'Y'

    where rn=1

    Select * from #Temp

    drop table #Temp


    Lnno Custcode Flag Amount Amount_Flag

    1 A1 Cust 1000 Y

    1 A1 Cust 1000

    Isn't this exactly what you want?

  • Stefan's code and my code now return a result set which exactly matches your posted requirements. If your requirements have extended or changed, then please use a sample data set and an expected output set to explain the change. Your English is very difficult to understand.

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