How to Update records of one table by selecting more than one rows from another table

  • Update table1

    set table1.foreginer='yes'

    where table1.PersonalID=(select table2.PersonalID

    from table2

    where table2.Nationality!='American')

    I am applying following query to update table 1, All fields are varchar whereas PersonalID is primary key of table1 and passed as foriegn key in table2

    but it gives error

    Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.

    Because this select satatement return more than one records. how can update all those records in table 1 which have not american nationality in table2


    SET foreginer='yes'

    FROM table1 A

    INNER JOIN table2 B

    ON A.PersdonalID = B.PersonalID

    WHERE B.Nationality!='American'

  • Beware - this will bite you if any row you are updating (call it table1) has more than one match in the table you are updating from (table2). You have no way of knowing which matching row from table2 will be used to update the value in table1. Worse still, SQL Server does not issue any error or warning. I would advise you to use MERGE instead.


  • John Mitchell-245523 (12/16/2011)

    Beware - this will bite you if any row you are updating (call it table1) has more than one match in the table you are updating from (table2). You have no way of knowing which matching row from table2 will be used to update the value in table1. Worse still, SQL Server does not issue any error or warning. I would advise you to use MERGE instead.


    Good point well made

  • John Mitchell-245523 (12/16/2011)

    Beware - this will bite you if any row you are updating (call it table1) has more than one match in the table you are updating from (table2). You have no way of knowing which matching row from table2 will be used to update the value in table1. Worse still, SQL Server does not issue any error or warning. I would advise you to use MERGE instead.


    Or IN:

    UPDATE table1 SET foreigner = 'yes'

    WHERE PersonalID IN (SELECT t2.PersonalID FROM table2 t2 WHERE t2.Nationality!='American')

    or EXISTS:

    UPDATE table1 SET foreigner = 'yes'

    WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM table2 t2 WHERE t2.PersonalID = table1.PersonalID AND t2.Nationality!='American')

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  • Actually, yes, my caveat doesn't apply in this instance, since all we're doing is applying an existence test. It's where you're taking a value from one table to update another that you have to be careful.


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