how to use "CASE" in "WHERE" clause?

  • Hi All,

    Do you know how to use "CASE" in "WHERE" clause? Could you please give me some examples! Thanks in advance!

    I need to write a query like this

    SELECT table1.field1, table1.field1, table2.field2

    FROM table1 , table2 

    WHERE table1.field1 *= table2.field1

    AND table2.field2 = 2004 (this condition only when table2.field2 is not null )

    (this is just a small part of a complicated query inside a complicated store procedure)


    Kindest Regards,


  • Hi,

      Please check the sql statement given below.

    SELECT table1.field1, table1.field1, table2.field2

    FROM table1 , table2 

    WHERE table1.field1 *= table2.field1

    AND table2.field2 = (case when table2.field2 is null then null else 2004 end)

    Hope this helps.

    Nivedita Sundar.N


  • Not very complicated but hopefully will help you:

    SELECT *

      FROM pubs.dbo.authors            AU

        LEFT JOIN pubs.dbo.titleauthor TA

          ON AU.au_id = CASE WHEN ISNULL(TA.au_id, '') = ''  THEN NULL ELSE TA.au_id END

        LEFT JOIN pubs.dbo.titles      TT

          ON TA.title_id = CASE WHEN ISNULL(TA.au_id, '') = ''  THEN NULL

                                WHEN ISNULL(TA.au_id, '') <> '' THEN TA.title_id END

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • Why not try this:

    SELECT table1.field1, table1.field1, table2.field2

    FROM table1 , table2 

    WHERE table1.field1 *= table2.field1

    AND (CASE WHEN table2.field2 is null THEN (1=1) ELSE (table2.field2 = 2004)END)

    so the CASE will return either TRUE (if f2 is null or TRUE/FALSE depending on f2 comparison with 2004...



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