how to use switch statement to get multiple values

  • Hi all,

    For eg.,

    I have a LeaveType table that has values given below:

    ID LeaveType Allotedleave


    1 Loss of pay 0

    2 Permission 0

    3 Casual 20

    4 Maternity 90

    5 Paternity 5

    i want the query to return LossofPay and Permission by default, Maternity and Paternity should be displayed based on gender and Casual leave should be displayed only if the user has alloted leave balance in their account i.e., if the user has used all his/her leaves in the casual leave category, tthen the query should not return CL type


  • It would be best if you break your table structure into 3 tables but for this particular architecture there is no way unless something like this:

    SELECT * FROM LeaveType WHERE ID IN (1,2)


    SELECT * FROM LeaveType WHERE ID IN (4,5) AND [F_Gender] = 'Male'


    SELECT * FROM LeaveType WHERE ID = 3 AND LeaveType > 0

    Computer Enterprise Masoud Keshavarz
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