How to use unpivot

  • hello All,

    I will get straight to business. Any suggestions are higly appreciated and many thanks for the guys who spend their valuable time.

    Situtation : Using unpivot is it possible to get Table B from Table A. I am have to group the rows with same name and display the data as in Table B. The first column will be column names followed by how many rows we have with same name, for example Test1 has two rows, Test 3 has one row.

    Table A

    Name Class Type Cost sales

    Test1 A B 10 John

    Test1 C D 20 Paul

    Test2 E F 30 Smith

    Test2 G H 40 Jake

    Test3 I J 50 James

    Table B

    Name Test1 Test1

    Class A C

    Type B D

    Cost 10 20

    sales John Paul

    Name Test2 Test2

    Class E G

    Type F H

    Cost 30 40

    sales Smith Jake

    Name Test3

    Class I

    Type J

    Cost 50

    sales James

  • hello All,

    I have been doing that from Table A in excel using tranpose function, trying to find a way on how to do that using t-sql.

    Thanks in Advace.


  • The only order in SQL is what is specified in the ORDER BY clause. This means that you will have to some of the work

    in the front end. An UNPIVOT followed by a PIVOT should nearly get the result you want:

    -- *** Test Data ***



    Name varchar(20) NOT NULL

    ,Class char(1) NOT NULL

    ,[Type] char(1) NOT NULL

    ,Cost int NOT NULL

    ,Sales varchar(20) NOT NULL



    SELECT 'Test1', 'A', 'B', '10', 'John' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Test1', 'C', 'D', '20', 'Paul' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Test2', 'E', 'F', '30', 'Smith' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Test2', 'G', 'H', '40', 'Jake' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Test3', 'I', 'J', '50', 'James'

    -- *** End Test Data ***

    SELECT Name, Attribute, [1] AS Value1, [2] AS Value2



    SELECT Name, Attribute, RowNum, [Value]



    SELECT Name

    ,CAST(Class AS varchar(20)) AS Class

    ,CAST([Type] AS varchar(20)) AS [Type]

    ,CAST(Cost AS varchar(20)) AS Cost



    FROM @t

    ) P



    [Value] FOR Attribute IN

    (Class, [Type], Cost, Sales)

    ) AS UP

    ) AS UP1




    FOR RowNum IN ([1], [2])

    ) AS P1

    ORDER BY Name

    ,CASE Attribute

    WHEN 'Class' THEN 1

    WHEN 'Type' THEN 2

    WHEN 'Cost' THEN 3

    ELSE 4


  • Thanks a lot it worked like a charm. You are a champ.


  • hi,

    Can i ask you one more question:

    Can you please explain the logic as to using both pivot and unpivot?

    Thanks, Sharon

  • You need to UNPIVOT to get the attribute and then PIVOT to get the attribute values in the same row.

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