How to write a query for birthdays in the next two weeks?

  • Hello,

    I am having trouble getting my head around querying for birthdays in the next two weeks.

    Table - Guests


    Firstname varchar(30)

    Lastname varchar(30)

    Birthdate datetime

    Now I thought of getting the date for today and then calculating the date two weeks from now.

    declare @startDay, startMonth as integer

    declare @endDay, endMonth as integer

    @startDay = day(getdate())

    @startMonth = Month(getdate())

    @endDay = day(dateadd("wk",2,getdate()))

    @endMonth = month(dateadd("wk",2,getdate()))

    select Firstname, lastname

    where day(birthdate) > = @startday and

    day(birthdate) <= @endday and

    month(birthdate) >=@startMonth and

    month(birthdate) <= @endMonth

    This works well for sequential months. However, if the date is December 25, then the above query doesn't work.

    Admittedly, I may be approaching this from the wrong angle.

    Does anyone have a better way to birthdays coming up for the next two weeks?

    The birthdate field has the actual birthdate of the guest (month, day and year).


    Things will work out.  Get back up, change some parameters and recode.

  • try this:

    -- creating testdata

    if object_id('tempdb..#datetab') is not null

    drop table #datetab

    create table #datetab(

    datecol datetime


    insert into #datetab (datecol) values ('20091203')

    insert into #datetab (datecol) values ('20091203')

    insert into #datetab (datecol) values ('20091225')

    insert into #datetab (datecol) values ('20100525')

    insert into #datetab (datecol) values ('20091210')

    DECLARE @today datetime

    SET @today = convert(varchar(50), getdate(), 112)

    -- the query using dateadd function

    SELECT *

    FROM #datetab

    where datecol >= @today

    and datecol <= dateadd(day, 14, @today)

  • Hi, this should give you what you need.

    It looks at the birthdate column, doesn't care about the year as its not age we're interested in, assigns the current year to the month and day elements, then converts back to datetime for the comparison.

    CREATE TABLE #Guests(

    Firstname varchar(30),

    Lastname varchar(30),

    Birthdate datetime


    INSERT INTO #Guests (Firstname,Lastname,Birthdate) VALUES ('Jim','Jones','20051203')--Birthday in next 2wks

    INSERT INTO #Guests (Firstname,Lastname,Birthdate) VALUES ('Joe','Bloggs','20011210')--Birthday in next 2wks

    INSERT INTO #Guests (Firstname,Lastname,Birthdate) VALUES ('Dave','Thomas','20001212')--Birthday in next 2wks

    INSERT INTO #Guests (Firstname,Lastname,Birthdate) VALUES ('Pete','Jones','19851218')-- No birthday in next 2wks

    INSERT INTO #Guests (Firstname,Lastname,Birthdate) VALUES ('Mike','Evans','19911225')-- No birthday in next 2wks

    INSERT INTO #Guests (Firstname,Lastname,Birthdate) VALUES ('Sally','Evans','19980115')-- No birthday in next 2wks

    INSERT INTO #Guests (Firstname,Lastname,Birthdate) VALUES ('Mary','Jones','20001217')--Birthday in next 2wks

    INSERT INTO #Guests (Firstname,Lastname,Birthdate) VALUES ('Wendy','Smith','20021225')-- No birthday in next 2wks

    DECLARE @today datetime

    SET @today = convert(varchar(50), getdate(), 112)





    FROM (





    (CAST(DATEPART(dd,Birthdate) as char(2)) + '/' +

    CAST(DATEPART(mm,Birthdate) as char(2)) + '/' +

    CAST(DATEPART(yy,@today) as char(4)))

    ,103) AS Birthday

    FROM #Guests

    ) A

    WHERE A.Birthday >= @today

    AND A.Birthday <= DATEADD(dd, 14, @today)

  • DROP TABLE #Guests

    CREATE TABLE #Guests(

    Firstname varchar(30),

    Lastname varchar(30),

    Birthdate datetime


    INSERT INTO #Guests (Firstname,Lastname,Birthdate) VALUES ('Jim','Jones','19611203')--Birthday in next 2wks

    INSERT INTO #Guests (Firstname,Lastname,Birthdate) VALUES ('Joe','Bloggs','19621210')--Birthday in next 2wks

    INSERT INTO #Guests (Firstname,Lastname,Birthdate) VALUES ('Dave','Thomas','19631212')--Birthday in next 2wks

    INSERT INTO #Guests (Firstname,Lastname,Birthdate) VALUES ('Pete','Jones','19641218')-- No birthday in next 2wks

    INSERT INTO #Guests (Firstname,Lastname,Birthdate) VALUES ('Mike','Evans','19651225')-- No birthday in next 2wks

    INSERT INTO #Guests (Firstname,Lastname,Birthdate) VALUES ('Sally','Evans','19660115')-- No birthday in next 2wks

    INSERT INTO #Guests (Firstname,Lastname,Birthdate) VALUES ('Mary','Jones','19671217')--Birthday in next 2wks

    INSERT INTO #Guests (Firstname,Lastname,Birthdate) VALUES ('Wendy','Smith','19680125')-- No birthday in next 2wks


    SET @today = DATEADD(dd, 0, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, GETDATE()))

    SELECT *

    FROM (

    SELECT d.Firstname,



    NextBirthday = CASE WHEN d.NextBirthday < @today THEN DATEADD(yy, 1, d.NextBirthday) ELSE d.NextBirthday END

    FROM (SELECT *, NextBirthday = DATEADD(yy, YEAR(@today)-YEAR(Birthdate), Birthdate)

    FROM #Guests) d

    ) x

    WHERE DATEDIFF(dd, @today, x.NextBirthday) < 15

    โ€œWrite the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.โ€ - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Thanks Guys for the help.

    I didn't realize how complex the query would be figuring upcoming birthdays.

    I found this late night and used it. It worked great.

    Thanks again.










    Things will work out.  Get back up, change some parameters and recode.

  • did you try using a tally table ?

    Check out the articles of Jeff Moden or Lynn Pettis

    set nocount on;

    declare @myTest table

    ( person varchar(80)

    , birthday datetime


    insert @myTest

    select 'Steve'

    , '09/15/1967'

    insert @myTest

    select 'Tia'

    , '02/01/1969'

    insert @myTest

    select 'Kendall'

    , '05/15/2001'

    insert @myTest

    select 'Delaney'

    , '11/18/1998'

    insert @myTest

    select 'Kyle'

    , '06/01/1992'

    DECLARE @base_date DATETIME

    DECLARE @end_date DATETIME

    SET @base_date = '2010-02-01'

    SET @end_date = '2010-12-31'

    SELECT B.*

    , @base_date

    , dateadd(yy, Tally.N * (-1), birthday) as ThisYearDate

    , Tally.N * (-1)

    FROM @myTest B

    inner join dbo.ufn_Tally(-120,0) Tally

    on B.birthday between dateadd(yy, Tally.N, @base_date)

    and dateadd(yy, Tally.N, @end_date)

    order by ThisYearDate, B.birthday ;


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  • This could help you.

    DECLARE @nDate1 int,

    @nDate2 int,

    @dToday datetime

    SET @dToday = GETDATE()

    SET @nDate1 = DATEPART( y, @dToday)

    SET @nDate2 = DATEPART( y, DATEADD( ww, 2, @dToday))

    IF @nDate2 < @nDate1


    SET @nDate2 = DATEPART( y, CAST( YEAR( @dToday) AS char(4)) + '1231') + @nDate2


    SELECT Firstname, lastname

    FROM Guests

    WHERE DATEPART( y, Birthdate) BETWEEN @nDate1 AND @nDate2

    Luis C.
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  • Sorry about the late reply but this might form the basis for a birthday check.

    SELECT *, AS DaysIntoYear FROM Employees

    WHERE ((DATEPART("dy",Birthdate)-DATEPART("dy",GETDATE())) > 0

    AND (DATEPART("dy",Birthdate)-DATEPART("dy",GETDATE())) < 15);

    Apologies if the syntax is incorrect, but I'm in a bit of a hurry.

    Rationale: - all you really need to know is the day number of the birthdate within the birthyear.

    Date to calculate from (current date in the above) and the number of days lookahead could all be parameterised.



  • Thanks everyone.

    I appreciate your help and I got the query working now. Here is the code I got to work:

    ALTER procedure spGetBirthdays

    ( @birthdateSTR as varchar(10),

    @thisClubID AS integer,

    @thisEmployeeid as integer)


    declare @birthdate as datetime

    declare @birthmonth as integer

    declare @birthDays as integer

    declare @FebMonth as datetime

    Declare @YearStr as varchar(4)

    Declare @FebStr as varchar(10)

    set @birthdate = cast(@birthdatestr as datetime)

    select @birthmonth = month(@birthdate)

    select @YearStr = cast('2010' as varchar(4))

    select @FebStr = cast('2/28' as varchar(4)) + '/' + @Yearstr



    select @FebMonth = cast(@Febstr as datetime)

    select @BIRTHDAYS = DATEDIFF("dd",@birthdate, @FebMonth )




    select @BIRTHDAYS = 14


    select b.*



    SELECT guestid, cast(cast(month(birthdate) as varchar(2))+'/'+cast(day(birthdate) as varchar(2))+'/'+cast(year(@birthdate) as varchar(4)) as datetime) as BirthSearch,


    ,FLOOR(DATEDIFF(dd,G.BiRTHDATE,@birthdate) / 365.25) AS AGE_NOW

    ,FLOOR(DATEDIFF(dd,G.BiRTHDATE,dateadd("dd", @birthdays,@birthdate)) / 365.25) AS AGE_ONE_WEEK_FROM_NOW


    tblGuest g

    WHERE 1 = (FLOOR(DATEDIFF(dd,g.BiRTHDATE,dateadd("dd", @birthdays,@birthdate)) / 365.25))


    (FLOOR(DATEDIFF(dd,g.BiRTHDATE,@birthdate) / 365.25))

    ) a

    inner join tblguest b

    on a.guestid = b.guestid


    b.employeeid = @thisemployeeid


    b.clubid = @thisClubid

    order by a.birthsearch

    I'll change it later to dynamically give me the year rather using "2010".

    Thanks again!


    Things will work out.  Get back up, change some parameters and recode.

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