how to write Pivot Query for Following

  • Hi Everyone

    I have wrote a query as

    SELECT PD.Name,PD.ContactNumber,Sum(cast(dbo.GetNumericValue(GI.AAY_Wheat)as numeric(18,0)))[Allocation],

    'Week '+cast(DATEPART(wk, GI.EnteredOn)as varchar(50)) AS WeekNumber,

    sum(cast(dbo.GetNumericValue(GI.AAY_Wheat)as numeric(18,0))) AS [Consumtion]

    FROM PDS_GodownCallInfo GI

    full join PDS_GodownAllocation GA on GA.ContactNumber=GI.ContactNumber

    full join PDS_ShopOwnnerContactDetails PD on PD.ContactNumber=GI.ContactNumber

    WHERE GI.EnteredOn >= '2013-01-01' AND GI.EnteredOn < '2013-11-30'

    GROUP BY DATEPART(wk, GI.EnteredOn),PD.Name,PD.ContactNumber

    and its output is as

    Name ContactNumber Allocation WeekNumber Consumtion

    NULL NULL 1485 Week 44 1485

    Amit Singh 8091366307 220 Week 44 220

    Anil Semwal 9418497722 1500 Week 44 1500

    Rakesh Thakur 8091022334 220 Week 44 220

    Rakesh Verma 8627811198 220 Week 44 220

    NULL NULL 1445 Week 45 1445

    Amit Singh 8091366307 1446 Week 45 1446

    Rakesh Thakur 8091022334 0 Week 45 0

    Samridh Dhawan 9805396622 45 Week 45 45

    then I write a pivot query as below:

    SELECT *

    FROM (

    SELECT PD.Name,PD.ContactNumber,Sum(cast(dbo.GetNumericValue(GI.AAY_Wheat)as numeric(18,0)))[Allocation],

    'Week '+cast(DATEPART(wk, GI.EnteredOn)as varchar(50)) AS WeekNumber,

    sum(cast(dbo.GetNumericValue(GI.AAY_Wheat)as numeric(18,0))) AS [Consumtion]

    FROM PDS_GodownCallInfo GI

    full join PDS_GodownAllocation GA on GA.ContactNumber=GI.ContactNumber

    full join PDS_ShopOwnnerContactDetails PD on PD.ContactNumber=GI.ContactNumber

    WHERE GI.EnteredOn >= '2013-01-01' AND GI.EnteredOn < '2013-11-30'

    GROUP BY DATEPART(wk, GI.EnteredOn),PD.Name,PD.ContactNumber

    ) as data




    FOR [WeekNumber] IN (week44,week45)

    )AS p

    and Its output is as bellow

    Name ContactNumber Allocation week44 week45



    Amit Singh 8091366307 220 NULL NULL

    Amit Singh 8091366307 1446 NULL NULL

    Anil Semwal 9418497722 1500 NULL NULL

    Rakesh Thakur 8091022334 0 NULL NULL

    Rakesh Thakur 8091022334 220 NULL NULL

    Rakesh Verma 8627811198 220 NULL NULL

    Samridh Dhawan 9805396622 45 NULL NULL

    there is values for Consumtion is showing NULL.

    can any one help me how can I fix the issue?

  • First thing to do is be consistent with what you are calling your weeks. They start odd as "Week 44" and "Week 45" but you're pivoting on "Week44" and "Week45".

    MCSA SQL Server 2012

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