I am really getting depressed

  • Hi,

    Are you fresher or already left the job ?

    You can try contacting the hr through your friend or colleagues by sharing the resume.

    dont ever loose hope, once you will get job you will forget all your pain.

    there are many people who even dont get job for entire year then they end up doing job in uninterested field just for earning money.

    but you must use your time either by getting small job somewhere else or prepare yourself for the interviews properly. you can check interview questions on forums of winmilestone com / winmilestone.com/Topic?Interview

    best of luck

  • prafuljemail (6/7/2016)


    Are you fresher or already left the job ?

    You can try contacting the hr through your friend or colleagues by sharing the resume.

    dont ever loose hope, once you will get job you will forget all your pain.

    there are many people who even dont get job for entire year then they end up doing job in uninterested field just for earning money.

    but you must use your time either by getting small job somewhere else or prepare yourself for the interviews properly. you can check interview questions on forums of winmilestone com / winmilestone.com/Topic?Interview

    best of luck

    You want too much info to get at those questions.

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  • I am experienced tableau developer with SSIS and SQL

    Maybe that job title/experience is too narrow and not needed at most companies. One issue I've heard as a problem is where job hunters use a very specific name that isn't used widely. Are you a SQL BI Analyst? If so, say so -that term is more recognizable than tableau developer. Remember, lots of times the first person to review a resume is in HR and doesn't know all the different terms for a job...they are looking for job terms supplied to them by the organization.

    Another thing to do is go on company websites...most have a link to careers or job opportunities. See what they are looking for and if a job fits your experience write your resume using terms from the job listing and then apply for the job.


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