I need any resources talk about POS or ERP

  • Good Afternoon All,

    I need any resources (paper, pdf, links , books or ... ) talk about POS or ERP Database Design or implementation.

    Many thanks to all who respond.


    Alamir Mohamed

  • Pls follow this link.


    You will find the database model for it.



  • Can I ask why you need it or what you are looking to accomplish?  Here is a good place to start:


  • Ineed them because i want to review any Design I make ..and any changes i need to make

    by the way jgoodwin, the site you gave to me , i don't understand how to search in it.

    are there any other resources?

    Alamir Mohamed

  • thanks babuganesh2000 very much, and also  jgoodwin for your help  

    are there any other books or sites ?

    Alamir Mohamed

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