I was asked to get rid of this Dynamic SQL for performance purposes.

  • Is it REALLY possible to bypass the @Where_Clause variable and make the below SQL non-dynamic?

    This is a statement from an SP that receives the below 5 parameters and dynamically builds the WHERE clause from them.

    I don't think it is possible NOT TO USE DYNAMIC SQL HERE, but double-checking with you guys.


    -- Concatenate all Where Clauses Together (all 5 are INPUT PARAMETERS into this SP,

    -- and are different every time the SP is called)

    SELECT @Where_Clause = @Where_Clause1 +

    @Where_Clause2 +

    @Where_Clause3 +

    @Where_Clause4 +


    declare @vsql varchar (max)

    SET @vsql =




    FROM E_Contacts EC

    JOIN Contacts C

    ON C.Contact_ID = EC.EC_id

    WHERE '  + @Where_Clause +

    '  AND EC.EC_Class = ''M'''



    Likes to play Chess

  • not without more info. if there are 5 input parameters, do they all have "valid" lists of values? if so, then there should be a precondition within the stored procedure to check that the input value exists in the list of valid values, and if not, then it's not combined in a dynamic SQL string and executed. (error should be returned letting the user know, and will probably have to bubble back up to the report they run it from)


    and for more fun: https://bertwagner.com/2018/03/20/how-to-steal-data-using-a-second-order-sql-injection-attack/

    for some design ideas:


    Now while Dwain's article on a search procedure is great, what he did NOT do is 1) use a try/catch structure or 2) validate the inputs against a list first.

    Hope that helps you, that's maybe not an easy overhaul but will be much less subject to attack.

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  • You're right, you can't avoid dynamic SQL here.  You need dynamic SQL here to insure you get the best query plan.

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

  • I am going to say that it depends.  To provide a better answer we would need to see the actual procedure, see the possible values being passed in to the procedure, would also need to know if all the parameters are required or if some could be empty meaning that they should be ignored.

    I will be honest, I have rewritten code where developers wrote dynamic SQL where it wasn't needed once you took a closer look at the code.


  • the only thing I can bring to the party here is that you are open for SQL injection attacks

    if you have to use dynamic SQL in that way, is there any way you can ensure you inputs are sanitised?

    it looks like I could do terrible things with basic sql injection attack tecniques

    just think where 1=1 will give you all rows

    then stick a ; a few -- and some mean bits of code and you are in trouble



  • If you're going to make dynamic SQL for the WHERE clause, there's a right way to do it and using EXEC() is NOT the right way.  Please see the following article on "Catch All Queries" by none other than Gail Shaw.  I consider this article and the one she references to be the definitive articles on the subject.  The method can be both awesome for performance and, if you follow her instructions, are totally safe from SQL Injection.


    --Jeff Moden

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    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
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    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

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  • VoldemarG wrote:

    Is it REALLY possible to bypass the @Where_Clause variable and make the below SQL non-dynamic?

    This is a statement from an SP that receives the below 5 parameters and dynamically builds the WHERE clause from them.

    I don't think it is possible NOT TO USE DYNAMIC SQL HERE, but double-checking with you guys.

    You haven't put any details of what possibilities can go in the WHERE clause. So I can't say whether or not you can make it non-dynamic.

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