I would like to create a function that......

  • Sorry Lenard. Perhaps if we understood more of the background we could help find another solution. Sounds like you are pretty adept. Good Luck!


  • GuardData,

    I ended up using a cursor approach. What I do, is read in my list an item at a time, "normalize" it (the part that I was hoping the function would do), and stick it into a temp table. When that process ends, I simply return the temp table to the calling program.

    Worked out quite nice, I might add. Performance is not a issue because I only need to process about 20 items. Took me 2 days to work out this problem out but, hey, I learned how to do cursors and OUT parameters with SP_EXECUTESQL! 🙂

    Thanks for your time.


  • Hi Lenard,


    I ended up using a cursor approach. What I do, is read in my list an item at a time, "normalize" it (the part that I was hoping the function would do), and stick it into a temp table. When that process ends, I simply return the temp table to the calling program.

    Worked out quite nice, I might add. Performance is not a issue because I only need to process about 20 items. Took me 2 days to work out this problem out but, hey, I learned how to do cursors and OUT parameters with SP_EXECUTESQL! 🙂

    actually this is what I like most on this forum.

    I'm learning everyday something new! Never dived that deep inside sp_executesql , but that's another story.

    For almost every problem there is a solution and together we'll manage to get there.

    If possible, Lenard, could your post your solution so I (we) can keep for future reference ?



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • Sure Frank....I'd be glad to. This approach is a little specific to my needs so you will have to read between the "lines". First, some setup info to help you understand it:

    @ACID is the user's id.
    @Mask will be something like: Email (Home): {0} I have 20 of these that I read in....like for Mobile, Fax, etc.
    @SqlText will be something like: SELECT @val = Email FROM Contacts WHERE ACID = @key Same here.....one for every mask.

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.spTeam_GetContactPreferences

    @ACID int


    DECLARE @val nvarchar(100)
    DECLARE @returnTable table ( ID int, Name varchar(100 ) )
    DECLARE @id int, @mask varchar(100), @sql nvarchar(100)

    FOR SELECT ID, Mask, SQLText FROM ContactPreferences

    OPEN sourceTable

    FETCH NEXT FROM sourceTable INTO @id, @mask, @sql
    EXEC dbo.sp_executesql @sql, N'@key int, @val nvarchar(100) OUTPUT', @key = @ACID, @val = @val OUTPUT

    IF( LEN(@val) > 0 )
    INSERT @returnTable ( ID, Name ) VALUES ( @id, REPLACE( @mask, '{0}', @val ) )

    SET @val = ''


    CLOSE sourceTable
    DEALLOCATE sourceTable

    SELECT * FROM @returnTable


    If you have any questions, let me know.


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