iDashboards vs SSRS

  • Can someone pls enlighten me on iDashboards vs SSRS? Does ID have more flexibility than SSRS? Easier to develop?

    We already have SSRS in place and gradually developing more complex reports. Why would management want us to look into iDashboards?

    Any insight/experience appreciated. Thanks! ~Carl

  • were you able to learn anything about this topic?

  • I know this is late in the game, but my company uses iDashboards and SSRS. I have created many idashboards and SSRS reports and management and users love them.

  • I hate Hijacking a Thread, but I also hate duplicates.

    Alex, how did you configure the database for iDashboard in relation to your data store\mart?

    Were there any issues with performance? I am finding very little information on this topic.

  • Hi true it's hard to find some good information, the best way to get is from people who are using the products. I am not sure what database(s) you are using, but in my company we use AS/400, MySQL, and SQL Server. The nice thing about iDashboards is that it leave a small foot print (another words it doesn't use that much disk space in our server, my System Admin likes the product. I have download loaded various dashboard reporting software and all these company say it is easy to use, but you should know SQL and if you are an experience report writer (Excel or Crystal Reports) then you can make some really descent dashboards. Some of the trial downloads I couldn't connect to the database and their customer service was not good. iDashobards has great customer service who was willing to help me connect that is why I choose their product. I have created various for our Call Center, Seminar department, marketing department. They even have Google dashboards. Performance was great I didn't have to wait and I use a lot of graphics and tables as well. If you are further interested, let me know I can give you a contact name at iDashboards (I don't get any commission from them. I just give where credit is due).


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