Ideas for

  • My two things would be to enhanse the Question of the Day; and site layout consistency.

    For the Question of the Day it would be nice to be able to see not only the question but also the correct answer for those you have already answered.  Currently I can only see the answer I gave and even that doesn't appear to be easy to find.

    For the site layout there appears to be to radically different layouts for the main site and for the forums.  Getting the layout and colors the same would be kind of nice.

    Just my two bits,


  • Great job; keep up the good work.  I like the following:


        Member-of-the-month (though I don't pay attention to it; it's important)

        Second Look

    I agree that the look and feel of the site should be stable; it should rarely change.  Every few years, maybe OK; but every 2 years is probably too much.  Perhaps every 4 to 5 years consider a major change--but only because you have ways to make it better, more useful, etc.  I don't want glitz and glamour; I want elegant, nice design, easy-to-use, not too busy.  I love the fact that it is relatively straight-forward and not too busy.

    I like the level of advertising--very good.  I agree with your position on personalization and news.

    I agree that the characteristics of the sites you don't like are to be avoided at all costs!  I won't use those types of sites, unless I absolutely have to. 


  • Whatever you do please remove the bold on links feature. Its very annoying. Community Server is releasing(or has it released it already?) a new version CS2. I hear its pretty good. Perhaps we can use CS2? They allow some user customization too. uses CS if you want to check it out.

    Dinakar Nethi
    Life is short. Enjoy it.

  • I have to agree, this feature has caused me some minor annoyances as well.

  • Just to add a +1 for the removal of the bolding of links..

    As another idea how about a SQL Server Cookbook esque wiki for common admin/sql tasks?

    - James

    James Moore
    Red Gate Software Ltd

  • OK, Red Gate has asked and bold on links is gone!

    Actually Dinakar asked, but I might need James to write something for me one day

  • Personnally, the look and feel of SSC are both the best on the web I've seen.  I'd leave it alone so far as any look and feel goes...

    But I would fix things like how the active thread page doesn't work and the fact that when typing a long reply, you better do a copy before hitting the post button or you may have the unpleasant surprise of lossing a half hour reply with no way to get it back.

    Bottom line... the look and feel is outstanding... I'd leave it alone... fix the bugs and make a better site search.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • One thing that may be helpful is if you had focused emails.  Maybe if the user typed in a search and requested that any new items in the search results be emailed to the user as the database grew?  At the very least, that would be fun to make.

    other than toys like that, your site is nice, clean and useful.  just promise me you'll stay away from big graphic buttons, animated flash menus and crap like that.

    -good luck



  • Lovely site.

    One thing I would like is the ability to comment on scripts. There was a reasonably nice documentation script of the day posted recently but it fell down when dealing with instances e.g. Server\Instance because of the \ and also with unusual database names which needed bracketing e.g. 2005 (don't ask!) There was no obvious way to raise these comments.

  • Script comments have been noted as well. Thanks for those.

    I think we'll do our best to avoid more ads, especially bigger ones. I think the Google ones are relatively unobtrusive, so they'll probably stay.

    The search thing we used to have and then it broke. Whenever you searched, you had the option to save the search and then it would run once a day, looking for new results. Not sure what happened and slightly afraid to run that now. With our volume of searches, we might get overwhelmed, but we'll take a look.


  • Steve,

    Can I ask for one other "feature" request which is when you watch a thread and it emails you that it takes you to the right page of the thread IE the URL in the email being rather than


    - James

    P.S. Thanks for getting rid of the bold links

    James Moore
    Red Gate Software Ltd

  • Good request, I have been thinking about this as well.  To add to this request could we have the option to receive one email per thread when a new message has been posted and then no matter how many more posts are created we won't get more emails until we have read the thread?

    I have this feature on one of my schools Alumni forums and it is really nice because it keeps your mailbox from being flooded with messages for hot topics.

  • Simple and clean, easy to read. I opt to keep the 'look and feel' the same since this is the most useful SQL Server site I have seen. If it came down to one thing it really would be the "feature" request since some really good discussions often go more than one page. You might also want to add a "Last Page" right undeneath the Prev/Next Topic as well since there are posts that folks do not contribute to but will want to skim the first and last pages as a continuing education.

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • To be honest, you have done an excellent job for the SQL Server community. This is my first stop when I'm wanting to learn something new about SQL outside of books I own. If I'm having a problem, I can probably find the same problem on your forums faster than any other source including Microsoft's Technet/MSDN.

    As a web developer I like the color schema you use. So many websites through up dark colors with angry colors ( dark red text against black/dark blue backgrounds ). Or the blitzkrieg of ad where you can't tell why your on the site in the first place and, oh yeah, you've probably just been infected with a trojan or other marketing bug from some nefarious advertiser.

    To that extent, I believe you have handled your site very professionaly and succinctly.

    I know change is sometimes good...but this site reminds me of a great album like Steely Dan's 'Aja.' You never get tired of being here where all things SQL are concerned.

  • I'm a susbscriber for more than 4 years and I must say it's one of the best sites I visit. The layout is simple and clear and don't need any change as far as I'm concerned. But since you asked for general site improvements, here's my bit:

    I agree with Jerome earlier, that it would be nice to be able to see correct answers of QOD's you already answered. Sometimes I'm in a situation which was the subject of a QOD, but can't remember the correct answer.

    Another idea might be a filter on the QOD page which shows only the unanswered questions. Sometimes when I have too much time I like to answer some older questions, but now I have to scroll and scroll, just to find them.

    The scripts page needs some updating. Now behind the categories it only shows scripts for 6.5 versus 7/2000. While the category FT2005 says it's for all versions. I suggest using categories like now and add a subcategory with scripts for the various versions.

    For the rest kep the good work going.

    Markus Bohse

    [font="Verdana"]Markus Bohse[/font]

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