Ident_current and Dynamic SQL

  • Hello,

    Could some one please tell how to get the current Identity value from a table using Dynamic sql.

    My code is listed below.

    declare @qry nvarchar(500)

    declare @qry1 nvarchar(500)

    declare @tabName nvarchar(50)

    declare @x int

    set @tabName='tblCenters'

    set @qry = N'select @ident=ident_current('''+@tabName+''')'

    set @qry1 = N'@ident int'

    exec sp_executesql @qry, @qry1,@x

    print @x

    It compiles without any error, But I am Unable to get the current Identity value

    Plese help me

    Thanks in advance


  • I'm assuming you would be passing in @tabName so, you will need to change this some however, a working variation is below.

    declare @qry nvarchar(500)

    declare @qry1 nvarchar(500)

    declare @tabName nvarchar(50)

    declare @x int

    set @tabName='db_symbol'

    set @qry = ('select ident_current('''+@tabName+''')')

    --set @qry1 = ('@ident int')

    exec sp_executesql @qry--, @qry1, @x

    --print @x

    Not sure what was going on with the other stuff that I commented out. If there are other uses for that we can work that back in.

    Hope this helps.



    “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose” - Jim Elliot

  • Hello David,

    It's Ok, but, suppose I want perform some computation on the returned value, I have to store the value in a variable. In my case, I want this value to insert records into child table, since the Identity field having Primary Key. So I need the curent Identity value in a variable

    Many many thanx


  • This should work

    declare @qry nvarchar(500)

    declare @qry1 nvarchar(500)

    declare @tabName nvarchar(50)

    declare @x int

    set @tabName= 'tblCenters'

    set @qry = ('select @ident = ident_current('''+@tabName+''')')

    set @qry1 = ('@ident int output')

    exec sp_executesql @qry , @qry1 , @x output

    print @x

  • Kiran,

    Could you explain a bit about why you want to do this? You're not going to see much different in performance doing this in a proc vs just executing dynamic sql using ADO. If anything, I'd consider the ADO technique cleaner. Just curious.


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