Identify Start Date / End Date in a date column

  • Hi Experts,

    I need your help.

    I use sql server 2012.

    I have a table like this:

    requestid eventdate eventname

    46444 2016/08/08 10:20:33.000 OPENED

    46444 2016/08/08 10:33:10.000 REVIEWED

    46444 2016/08/08 11:09:55.000 OPENED

    46444 2016/08/08 11:32:41.000 REVIEWED

    46444 2016/08/08 11:39:01.000 CLOSED

    46444 2016/08/08 15:00:04.000 OPENED

    46444 2016/08/08 15:17:40.000 REVIEWED

    46444 2016/08/08 15:29:36.000 OPENED

    46444 2016/08/08 15:31:34.000 REVIEWED

    46444 2016/08/08 15:36:37.000 CLOSED

    46444 2016/08/08 17:04:27.000 OPENED

    And I want to identify

    1- For each Eventname = "CLOSED"

    2- I want to identify the first eventname ="Reviewed" after a eventname = "OPENED"

    3- So to have a result like this: I tried the sql lag function but it doesn t work. 🙁

    requestid Revieweddate eventname ClosedDate Eventname

    46444 2016/08/08 10:33:10.000 REVIEWED 2016/08/08 11:39:01.000 CLOSED

    46444 2016/08/08 15:17:40.000 REVIEWED 2016/08/08 15:36:37.000 CLOSED

  • If a RequestId has been 'Closed', shouldn't the next RequestId have a different value? If they're all 46444, what's the point of this number?

    Please post your data in a consumable format in future, like this:

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#test', 'U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #test;

    CREATE TABLE #test


    requestid INT,

    eventdate DATETIME,

    eventname VARCHAR(20)


    INSERT #test







    (46444, '2016/08/08 10:20:33.000', 'OPENED'),

    (46444, '2016/08/08 10:33:10.000', 'REVIEWED'),

    (46444, '2016/08/08 11:09:55.000', 'OPENED'),

    (46444, '2016/08/08 11:32:41.000', 'REVIEWED'),

    (46444, '2016/08/08 11:39:01.000', 'CLOSED'),

    (46444, '2016/08/08 15:00:04.000', 'OPENED'),

    (46444, '2016/08/08 15:17:40.000', 'REVIEWED'),

    (46444, '2016/08/08 15:29:36.000', 'OPENED'),

    (46444, '2016/08/08 15:31:34.000', 'REVIEWED'),

    (46444, '2016/08/08 15:36:37.000', 'CLOSED'),

    (46444, '2016/08/08 17:04:27.000', 'OPENED');

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • Hi Phil,

    Thank you for your answer. This query is for a log application.

    I have focused on 1 request ( requestid). But it is possible they are several requestid

    This is a sample with 2 requestid and here is the result I would like to obtain.

    I Have worked on it all week end and still haven't found a solution.

    I tried lag and lead function of sql server 2012 but it doesn't work.

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#test', 'U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #test;

    CREATE TABLE #test


    requestid INT,

    eventdate DATETIME,

    eventname VARCHAR(20)


    INSERT #test







    (46444, '2016/08/08 10:20:33.000', 'OPENED'),

    (46444, '2016/08/08 10:33:10.000', 'REVIEWED'),

    (46444, '2016/08/08 11:09:55.000', 'OPENED'),

    (46444, '2016/08/08 11:32:41.000', 'REVIEWED'),

    (46444, '2016/08/08 11:39:01.000', 'CLOSED'),

    (46444, '2016/08/08 15:00:04.000', 'OPENED'),

    (46444, '2016/08/08 15:17:40.000', 'REVIEWED'),

    (46444, '2016/08/08 15:29:36.000', 'OPENED'),

    (46444, '2016/08/08 15:31:34.000', 'REVIEWED'),

    (46444, '2016/08/08 15:36:37.000', 'CLOSED'),

    (46444, '2016/08/08 17:04:27.000', 'OPENED'),

    (46445, '2016/08/10 09:00:00.000', 'OPENED'),

    (46445, '2016/08/11 01:33:10.000', 'REVIEWED'),

    (46445, '2016/08/12 15:36:37.000', 'CLOSED');

    select *

    from #test

    The result

    requestid eventdate eventname CLOSEDDate CLOSEDEventname

    46444 2016-08-08 10:33:10.000 REVIEWED 2016-08-08 11:39:01.000 CLOSED

    46444 2016-08-08 15:17:40.000 REVIEWED 2016-08-08 15:36:37.000 CLOSED

    46445 2016-08-11 01:33:10.000 REVIEWED 2016-08-12 15:36:37.000 CLOSED

  • IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#test', 'U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #test;

    CREATE TABLE #test


    requestid INT,

    eventdate DATETIME,

    eventname VARCHAR(20)


    INSERT #test







    (46444, '2016/08/08 10:20:33.000', 'OPENED'),

    (46444, '2016/08/08 10:33:10.000', 'REVIEWED'),

    (46444, '2016/08/08 11:09:55.000', 'OPENED'),

    (46444, '2016/08/08 11:32:41.000', 'REVIEWED'),

    (46444, '2016/08/08 11:39:01.000', 'CLOSED'),

    (46444, '2016/08/08 15:00:04.000', 'OPENED'),

    (46444, '2016/08/08 15:17:40.000', 'REVIEWED'),

    (46444, '2016/08/08 15:29:36.000', 'OPENED'),

    (46444, '2016/08/08 15:31:34.000', 'REVIEWED'),

    (46444, '2016/08/08 15:36:37.000', 'CLOSED'),

    (46444, '2016/08/08 17:04:27.000', 'OPENED'),

    (46445, '2016/08/10 09:00:00.000', 'OPENED'),

    (46445, '2016/08/11 01:33:10.000', 'REVIEWED'),

    (46445, '2016/08/12 15:36:37.000', 'CLOSED');

    select *

    from #test

  • I have an inelegant solution to this inelegant problem 🙂 There will be better ways, but this seems to work, at least for the test data provided:



    , ReviewDate = erd.EarliestReviewDate

    , ClosedDate = tst.eventdate

    FROM #test tst




    PrevClosedDate = MAX(t.eventdate)

    FROM #test t

    WHERE t.requestid = tst.requestid

    AND t.eventdate < tst.eventdate

    AND t.eventname = 'CLOSED'

    ) pcd




    EarliestReviewDate = MIN(t.eventdate)

    FROM #test t

    WHERE t.requestid = tst.requestid

    AND t.eventdate < tst.eventdate

    AND (

    t.eventdate > pcd.PrevClosedDate

    OR pcd.PrevClosedDate IS NULL


    AND t.eventname = 'REVIEWED'

    ) erd

    WHERE tst.eventname = 'CLOSED'

    ORDER BY tst.requestid

    , tst.eventdate;

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • Thks Phil for your help. 🙂

    I have this solution too.

    select requestid,

    min(case when eventname = 'REVIEWED' then eventdate end) as eventdate,

    'REVIEWED' as event,

    max(eventdate) as closedate,

    'CLOSED' as closedeventname

    from (select t.*,

    sum(case when eventname = 'CLOSED' then 1 else 0 end) over (partition by requestid order by eventdate desc) as grp

    from #test t

    ) t

    group by requestid, grp

    Having min(case when eventname = 'REVIEWED' then eventdate end) is not null

  • Well done. I compared execution plans and my version seems to have the edge. Especially if you add an index on (requestid, eventdate, eventname). Might be worth testing both on a larger dataset and seeing what happens.

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

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