Identify the size of my data cache in sql server

  • How do i check the size of the datacache allocated from the buffer pool by sql server?

    I appreciate this may be opening a can of worms, but if someone can advise on dmv or anything to show me the pool allocation sizes for the various pools in sql server i think i may be able to work from there.

  • select count(*)*8/1024 AS 'Cached Size (MB)'

    ,case database_id

    when 32767 then 'ResourceDB'

    else db_name(database_id)

    end as 'Database'

    from sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors

    group by db_name(database_id), database_id

    order by 'Cached Size (MB)' desc

    Gives you space used by each database in the buffer pool.

  • thanks for that, so would the following query give me the size of the data cache ( not plans or anything)?

    select count(*)*8/1024 AS 'Cached Size (MB)'

    ,case database_id

    when 32767 then 'ResourceDB'

    else db_name(database_id)

    end as 'Database'

    from sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors

    where page_type in





    group by db_name(database_id), database_id

    order by 'Cached Size (MB)' desc

    Im trying to work out my datacache size, and dont want to include planCache, to work out a realistic Page life expectancy as discussed in this article:

  • Sorry to bump this post, but I too am looking for a means of determining our "DataCacheSizeInGB" as per Jonathan Keyayias' article.

    As an "accidental DB" it would be great if there were a performance counter for this - perhaps Denali will provide this 🙂

    I'm @benjaminathawes on Twitter if anyone feels kind enough to educate me.

  • Just to follow up on this:

    I was given this formula to use although I haven't yet confirmed it is correct:

    (CAST (value_in_use AS INT)/1024/4)*300 FROM sys.configurations WHERE NAME = 'max server memory (mb)'

    If this is correct then determining the appropriate PLE is actually very straightforward (although I imagine this is only a rule of thumb): you basically use the MS figure of 300 for 4GB of RAM as a baseline then adjust the value accordingly depending on how much memory you have installed.

    e.g. if you have 64 GB RAM, you should probably investigate if your PLE consistently drops below 4800 seconds (80 minutes). To calculate this I just used [(installed RAM in GB / 4) * 300].

    I'll ask around to hopefully get this confirmed who knows their SQL.

  • maybe this will help

    declare @nRows int

    set @nRows = ##################################

    declare @results table

    ( database_id int

    , objectname sysname null

    , indexname sysname null

    , cache_kb bigint

    , free_bytes bigint

    , size_kb bigint null

    , filegroup sysname null

    , indid int null

    , dirty_kb bigint null

    , schema_name sysname null

    , user_name sysname null


    declare @databases table

    ( database_id int

    , name sysname null

    , id int identity


    insert into @databases (database_id, name)

    select database_id, name

    from sys.databases

    where user_access <> 1 -- NOT SINGLE USER

    and state = 0 -- ONLINE

    and has_dbaccess(name) <> 0 -- Have Access.

    declare @nBufferSize bigint

    select @nBufferSize = count(*)

    from sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors with (readpast)

    declare @sql nvarchar(max)

    declare @n int

    set @n = 1

    declare @db int

    set @db = 0

    while 1=1


    set @db = null

    select @db = database_id from @databases where id = @n

    set @n = @n + 1

    if @db is null


    if @db = 0x7FFF -- Skip this one.


    set @sql= 'use ' + quotename(db_name(@db))

    + ' select db_id() database_id'

    + ' , isnull(,''<in-memory-resource>'') object_name'

    + ' , isnull(,'''') index_name'

    + ' , cast(8*sum(cast(b.cache_pages as bigint)) as bigint) cache_kb'

    + ' , sum(cast(b.free_bytes as bigint)) free_bytes'

    + ' , cast(8*sum(cast(a.total_pages as bigint)) as bigint) used_kb'

    + ' , (select top 1 name from sys.filegroups fg with (readpast) where fg.data_space_id = a.data_space_id) filegroup'

    + ' , min(i.index_id) indid'

    + ' , cast(8*sum(cast(b.dirty_pages as bigint)) as bigint) dirty_kb'

    + ' , min( schema_name'

    + ' , min( user_name'

    + ' from ('

    + ' select a.database_id'

    + ' , allocation_unit_id'

    + ' , count(*) cache_pages'

    + ' , sum(cast(free_space_in_bytes as bigint)) free_bytes'

    + ' , sum(case when is_modified=1 then 1 else 0 end) dirty_pages'

    + ' from sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors a with (readpast) '

    + ' where a.database_id = db_id()'

    + ' group by a.database_id,allocation_unit_id'

    + ' ) b'

    + ' left outer join sys.allocation_units a with (readpast) on b.allocation_unit_id = a.allocation_unit_id'

    + ' left outer join sys.partitions p with (readpast) on (a.container_id = p.hobt_id and a.type in (1,3) )'

    + ' or (a.container_id = p.partition_id and a.type = 2 )'

    + ' left outer join sys.objects o with (readpast) on p.object_id = o.object_id '

    + ' left outer join sys.indexes i with (readpast) on p.object_id = i.object_id and p.index_id = i.index_id'

    + ' left outer join sys.schemas s with (readpast) on o.schema_id = s.schema_id'

    + ' left outer join sys.database_principals u with (readpast) on s.principal_id = u.principal_id'

    + ' where database_id = db_id()'

    + ' and a.data_space_id is not null'

    + ' group by a.data_space_id, isnull(,''<in-memory-resource>''), isnull(,'''')'

    + ' option (keepfixed plan)'

    insert into @results

    ( database_id

    , objectname

    , indexname

    , cache_kb

    , free_bytes

    , size_kb

    , filegroup

    , indid

    , dirty_kb

    , schema_name

    , user_name




    insert into @results (database_id, schema_name, user_name, cache_kb, free_bytes, dirty_kb)

    select a.database_id

    , 'system'

    , 'system'

    , 8*count(*) cache_pages

    , sum(free_space_in_bytes) free_bytes

    , sum(case when is_modified=1 then 1 else 0 end)*8 dirty_pages

    from sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors a with (readpast)

    where a.database_id = 0x7FFF

    group by a.database_id

    option (keepfixed plan)

    set rowcount @nRows

    set nocount off

    select DBName

    , TBOwner

    , TBName

    , IXName

    , SizeInCacheKB

    , case

    when PercentageOfCache > 100 then 100

    when PercentageOfCache < 0 then 0

    else PercentageOfCache

    end PercentageOfCache

    , ObjectSizeKB

    , case

    when PercentageOfObject > 100 then 100

    when PercentageOfObject < 0 then 0

    else PercentageOfObject

    end PercentageOfObject

    , FileGroup

    , indid

    , DirtyKB

    , case

    when PercentageObjectDirty > 100 then 100

    when PercentageObjectDirty < 0 then 0

    else PercentageObjectDirty

    end PercentageObjectDirty

    , AllocateCacheUnusedKB

    from (

    select case when database_id = 0x7FFF then 'mssqlsystemresource' else db_name(database_id) end DBName

    , isnull(user_name,'system') TBOwner

    , objectname TBName

    , indexname IXName

    , cache_kb SizeInCacheKB

    , case when @nBufferSize = 0 then 0.0 else 100*(cache_kb/8.)/@nBufferSize end PercentageOfCache

    , size_kb ObjectSizeKB

    , case when size_kb = 0 then 0.0 else ((cache_kb*1.)*100.0)/size_kb end PercentageOfObject

    , filegroup FileGroup

    , indid

    , dirty_kb DirtyKB

    , case when size_kb = 0 then 0.0 else dirty_kb*100.0/size_kb end PercentageObjectDirty

    , free_bytes/1024. AllocateCacheUnusedKB -- NEWCOlumn

    from @results

    ) x

    order by PercentageOfCache desc

    set rowcount 0

  • Thanks for this Anthony.

    Hopefully this answers the OPs question although I haven't had a chance to try it myself.

    I'll post my PLE question separately as it is more of a high level "sanity check" around whether the formula I posted above is a good rule of thumb approach.

  • bathawes 16438 (10/26/2011)

    Just to follow up on this:

    I was given this formula to use although I haven't yet confirmed it is correct:

    (CAST (value_in_use AS INT)/1024/4)*300 FROM sys.configurations WHERE NAME = 'max server memory (mb)'

    If this is correct then determining the appropriate PLE is actually very straightforward (although I imagine this is only a rule of thumb): you basically use the MS figure of 300 for 4GB of RAM as a baseline then adjust the value accordingly depending on how much memory you have installed.

    e.g. if you have 64 GB RAM, you should probably investigate if your PLE consistently drops below 4800 seconds (80 minutes). To calculate this I just used [(installed RAM in GB / 4) * 300].

    I'll ask around to hopefully get this confirmed who knows their SQL.

    I came across this thread and thought I would provide some info to those that come across it as I did through Google/Bing...

    @bathawes formula below is off by the value being used. The Max server memory is a static value that tells what your buffer cache could be, telling SQL Server how much of the available OS memory you are allowed to take.

    This thread on SSC has some information regarding how to pull the buffer cache size, note John.Sansom's post in the thread. You can utilize sys.dm_os_sys_info as noted to pull the bpool_committed value.

    Shawn Melton
    Twitter: @wsmelton
    Github: wsmelton

  • I think this could work as well; it calculates the size of data cache per database.

    Execute sp_msforeachdb @command1 = '


    ''?'' As DatabaseName,

    DataCacheSize = (Sum(cached_pages_count) * 8.00)/1024.00

    From (


    COUNT(*) AS cached_pages_count,

    name AS BaseTableName,



    FROM ?.sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors AS bd





    s_obj.OBJECT_ID, IndexName,

    i.type_desc IndexTypeDesc







    FROM ?.sys.allocation_units AS au

    INNER JOIN ?.sys.partitions AS p ON au.container_id = p.hobt_id AND (au.TYPE = 1 OR au.TYPE = 3)







    FROM ?.sys.allocation_units AS au

    INNER JOIN ?.sys.partitions AS p ON au.container_id = p.partition_id AND au.TYPE = 2

    ) AS s_obj

    LEFT JOIN ?.sys.indexes i ON i.index_id = s_obj.index_id AND i.OBJECT_ID = s_obj.OBJECT_ID

    ) AS obj ON bd.allocation_unit_id = obj.allocation_unit_id

    WHERE database_id = DB_ID(''?'')

    GROUP BY name, index_id, IndexName, IndexTypeDesc

    ) Res


  • This does the same, but a whole lot quicker

    SELECT DB_NAME(database_id) AS [DBName],

    COUNT(*) * 8/1024.0 AS [CacheUsed]

    FROM sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors

    GROUP BY DB_NAME(database_id)

    ORDER BY DB_NAME(database_id) ASC

  • if there are allocation unit is present in sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors but not present in sys.allocation_units then does that mean those are used by SQL server internally. On my DB I see out of 500 GB memory 200 GB is being consumed by such pages. How can I identify what is causing these pages to be very high in number.

  • bathawes 16438 (10/26/2011)

    Sorry to bump this post, but I too am looking for a means of determining our "DataCacheSizeInGB" as per Jonathan Keyayias' article.

    As an "accidental DB" it would be great if there were a performance counter for this - perhaps Denali will provide this 🙂

    I'm @benjaminathawes on Twitter if anyone feels kind enough to educate me.

    There are a couple of example queries here that give the data cache size in MB. Why not just change the Jonathan Keyayias' suggested formula "DataCacheSizeInGB/4GB *300" to work with MB instead? Like this: "DataCacheSizeInMB/4096MB*300"? Wont this work the same since 4GB = 4096MB?

  • I've allocated 40 GB memory to SQL 2014 instance.

    How much memory SQL can allocate for data cache (store data pages in buffer ) and plan cache.

    Where can I find the information.

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

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