Identity insert without reseed

  • Hi Sergiy ,

    Thanks for your reply . The case of splitting the identity ranges , such that one server will have positive identity ranges and the other will have negative identity ranges will work as long as we only have 2 PEERS ( servers ) in the replication topology . This will break if we want to have 3 or more peers ( servers ) in the replication topology.

    Is there any way we can do what SQL Server replication is doing ?

    Thanks for your help .

  • salliven (5/14/2013)

    How do you know that?

    I'm managing more Microsoft replication.

    But Microsoft replication is slow and inflexible. Our replication program is fast and flexible (example: maximum 0,5 sec replication latency, more smaller disk overhead, replication between mssql and mysql, etc), but insert without identity reseed is a big problem.

    Why not just use a 2 column PK where column 1 is your ident and column 2 is a server id?

  • Hi ryan13in,

    I am also in same case as yours, I found something like replication program establishing sql connection with an additional flag as follows,

    provider=SQLNCLI10;initial catalog=DBName1;data source=SQLInstName;replication server name connect option=source;persist security info=false;integrated security=sspi

    here is the MSDN documentaion for explanation...

    Unfortunately we could not esablish user connection with this flag. I have tried in SSMS conection option as well as connect via .net code, I get following error..

    "ConnectionString": "Keyword not supported: 'replication server name connect option'."

    Please share if you were able to accomplish this task.



  • Hi,

    I found the answer after spend a whole day for POC,

    We need to connect to SSMS using "Replication=True" flag in the "Additaional Connection Parameters" tab of connection window. Now I am able to insert higher identity value without reseed to current identity. We can also achive this by establishing .net connection using following connection string..

    Provider=SQLNCLI10;Initial Catalog=DBName1;Data Source=SQLInstName;Replication=True;Persist Security Info=false;Integrated Security=SSPI



  • kumarcug (6/15/2016)


    I found the answer after spend a whole day for POC,

    We need to connect to SSMS using "Replication=True" flag in the "Additaional Connection Parameters" tab of connection window. Now I am able to insert higher identity value without reseed to current identity. We can also achive this by establishing .net connection using following connection string..

    Provider=SQLNCLI10;Initial Catalog=DBName1;Data Source=SQLInstName;Replication=True;Persist Security Info=false;Integrated Security=SSPI



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  • It is work fine. Thanks!

  • Hello:

    The Replication=True option thats posted kumarcug works great. I need to configure it in a linked server.

    Anyone has successfully configure a linked server with the "replication=true" connection option ?
    Thanks a lot.

    Daniel Hefez.

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