Identity Ranges

  • Hello everyone. I am replicating a table and have enabled autoidentity range checking. The range for the publisher is 100000, the range for the subscriber is 100000 and I set the threshhold at 80 percent. I expected the highest number in the range on the publisher to be 80,000. It's actually 85,050. There are 74998 rows in the table. How can I confirm that identity ranges are being handled correctly? How do I fix them if they arent? What figure is used by SQL server to compute the threshhold? 

  • A question for you would be:  how often does your replication scheme replicate between the publisher and subscriber?  If memory servers with merge replication, the threshhold is only really checked / updated when the replicated servers merge with each other.  So, if your servers merge once a day and you've reached 85%, the new identity range will be issued when the merge happens.

    A way to check the current identity range of your table...  go into enterprise manager design view for the table, and go into the constraints information.  The identity range should be defined here.

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