Identity Specification not generating a number

  • My SSIS OLEDB source is selecting 10 columns from a table in another database, which are then inserted as new records to an empty table. The destination has a primary key of data type int, with the identity spec on and seeding and incrementing are 1. I am not mapping the primary key column in the OLEDB destination.

    There will be 4 million rows when the job works, but it runs through to the last source row and falls over at the final commit for the data insertion. The error is "Cannot insert the value NULL into column" on the primary key field, so it appears to be ignoring the Identity Spec.

    I had tested the data extract successfully without the primary key, so this appears to be the sticking point.

    Can anyone suggest anything please?

  • Check if the property FastLoadKeepIdentity is set to False.


  • The data access mode is 'table or view - fast load' and keep identity box on the Connection Manager is checked

  • Turn the 'keep identity' checkbox off (it's the same as the FastLoadKeepIdentity in the properties dialog box). If 'keep identity' is checked, NULL values will be inserted into the identity column, because the output is not bound to a column in your dataflow.


  • That did the trick. Thanks very much

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