IF Exists stored procedure

  • I am using an If Exists statement to see if there is any data in the table. If there is it returns 1 and if not it returns 0. I am doing this so I can display an error message if the search was unsuccessful otherwise I need the data from the table to be returned so I can capture it in a dataset.

    This is the code I have so far in my stored procedure:

    IF EXISTS(SELECT User_ID FROM dbo.User_Information

    WHERE First_Name = @FirstName AND Last_Name = @LastName AND Email_1 = @Email)

    RETURN 1

    How do I get it to return the information from the table?

  • IF EXISTS(SELECT User_ID FROM dbo.User_Information

    WHERE First_Name = @FirstName AND Last_Name = @LastName AND Email_1 = @Email)


    Select col1, col2... from YourTable

    return 1




    return 0


  • to return your data as a rowset, try...

    declare @rc int, @error int

    SELECT User_ID FROM dbo.User_Information

    WHERE First_Name = @FirstName AND Last_Name = @LastName AND Email_1 = @Email

    set @rc = @@rowcount, @error = @@error

    if @rc = 1 and @error = 0

    return 0 -- success!


    return 1 -- failure

    that one will always attempt to return information as a recordset, but also let you know if it failed with the return code.


    this one returns data as output parameters.

    it will assign @user_id to 1 (hopefully there can only be one) of the userid's returned by the select statement as an output parameter.  to return more parameters this way, just put something like SELECT @user_id = User_ID, @First_Name = FirstName from...

    create proc usp_p2

    (/*add your output parameters here...*/ @user_id int output)


    SELECT @user_id = User_ID FROM dbo.User_Information

    WHERE First_Name = @FirstName AND Last_Name = @LastName AND Email_1 = @Email

    set @rc = @@rowcount, @error = @@error

    if @rc = 1 and @error = 0

    return 0 -- success!


    return 1 -- failure

    -Ray Metz

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