If You Had To Pick a Super Hero...

  • Kendal Van Dyke (8/27/2010)

    Just a normal human being who is constantly honing his skills and taking his share of lumps along the way.

    Normal human being? Well, sort of, although there *is* the whole thing about being a borderline psychotic... 😀

  • paul.knibbs (8/27/2010)

    Kendal Van Dyke (8/27/2010)

    Just a normal human being who is constantly honing his skills and taking his share of lumps along the way.

    Normal human being? Well, sort of, although there *is* the whole thing about being a borderline psychotic... 😀

    That sounds like the "normal" human beings that I encounter on a daily basis

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  • paul.knibbs (8/27/2010)

    Kendal Van Dyke (8/27/2010)

    Just a normal human being who is constantly honing his skills and taking his share of lumps along the way.

    Normal human being? Well, sort of, although there *is* the whole thing about being a borderline psychotic... 😀

    Hmmm, guess I worded that poorly. Trying to convey that he's a mere mortal, no super powers from another planet or beyond.

    Kendal Van Dyke

  • I like the whole team of the fantastic 4. They're co-hesive and use each others talents under the guidance of a super genious leader; Strength, flexibility, invisibility, flight and fire. It pretty much covers everything.

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  • I would be Shrek...cause he gets to belch, pick his nose, and far#...oh wait he ain't a superhero...dang it!

    He-Man hands down! Why = The Most Powerful Man in the Universe. Even when they did not allow him to use his sword, or directly punch or kick anyone, he still wooped some tail.:w00t:

    Shawn Melton
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  • I've always been a big Green Lantern and Flash fan, though will admit to liking Kyle and Wally in those roles rather than the more populate Hal Jordan & Barry Allen. 🙂 Not sure what I'd choose if I actually had some choice like that, but probably GL - that ring is pretty cool. (And yeah - avoiding the whole real-world hero question - that's _way_ different.)

  • I have always been a Captain America guy for the exact same reasons as Andy, patriotism and moral character.

  • Batman. I used to have a Batman costume when I was a kid. He had such cool gadgets, his strength came from working out - not from a magic potion, being an alien or any other instant gratification way - and he since he doesn't have any 'super powers' he has to use his intellect to solve crime. Anyone could become Batman with some effort. But other superheros are flukes - either they are aliens or they get their power from some 'magic' potion or item (like GL's ring).

    And need I say it - Catwoman! What other hero has such a gorgeous archfoe? I grew up on the Adam West - Batman and Julie Newmar as Catwoman.


  • Peter Petrelli!

    Ron K.

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  • Tough pick between two of my favorites - THOR and FLASH.

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  • I will side with the geeky IT folks and say Spider-Man. I like the fact that is he is a fairly normal guy who has extraordinary powers that he never wanted (kind of like having admin rights to systems that you inherited 🙂 ). Spider-Man has the ability to cling to walls, superhuman strength, spider-sense that alerts him to danger, perfect balance, as well as superhuman speed and agility. He has the approximate strength of a spider which means he can lift cars and even heavier objects but he isn't so bulky that he can't hide or move quickly. And the ability to use the web shooters would be awesome. You could have some real fun with those.

  • When I was about 5 years old, I really liked Batman. :smooooth:

    I would run around with a towel pinned on my shoulders for a cape!

    Now what does that say about me?

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  • David in .AU (8/27/2010)

    Jeff, that's such a cop out 🙂

    Come on, show the color of your spandex...

    As for me, Atomic Robo, has a lot more fun with technology that I ever do 😛

    In that case, "Toxic Avenger"... he can set a brick building on fire just by peeing on the corner. 😉 Being a beer drinker, I can relate.

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  • I like Data, the android of Start Trek, Enterprise :laugh:. He may not be a superhero but he's almost like one. The ability to remember everything, super-fast to learn new things and use all the his knowledge to the team's advantage 😛

  • I read this comment on the day I wore my Green Lantern t-shirt. 🙂 Yes, I would pick Green Lantern for much the same reasons you mentioned. I also have a Flash t-shirt, and he was on my top favorites list because he took one basic ability - super speed - and found many ways to apply that one ability. Superman just seemed a little too much going for one person.

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